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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Just for info, that last post was created on the iPad whilst in line. I used Simplenote to draft the text, and intended to copy and paste into the blog via Safari. Forgot I had the Squarespace iPhone app on the iPad so I ended up pasting into that. Works pretty well although it's crying out for a Squarespace iPad app as well as the ability to manage comments.

Typing on the iPad is fine for me as it suits my hunt and peck style of typing!

No laptop for me whilst at the conference as it's back at the hotel. The iPad, MiFi and manbag combination is working pretty well!

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    You rent a movie from an online site, and after the rental time is up, it disappears. The technology is an effective approach to online information access practiced by movie rental Websites like Netflix Inc.

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