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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Going off line for a bit...

Crickey! Only 4 days before I head out to San Francisco for WWDC.

That crept up on me!

In the 4 days (and nights) left I have a few tings to sort out:

  • A small video segment to extract and encode
  • Two full shows to produce
  • A new payment system to introduce*
  • An evening iPad session - iPad at the C.U.C
  • Two nights videoing for the local Dance school

Nothing new really but I really should get more organised. The unusual thing is that my evenings are fully booked up, so there goes my usual safety net. The journey to SF will take about 17 hours so plenty of time there - wonder if I can record next weeks show and edit on the plane?

Anyhow, this week I'll be trying to limit both my email access and my twitter activity to try and make some head way of the rapidly increasing to do list in front of me. So if you don't see me around much - don't worry ;-)

Now lets get cracking and break open Things!

* BTW, the new payment scheme is just a change of payment processors, no changes to the membership or renewal prices

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