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Nearly makes up for it...

Finally got around to watching the Google IO presentation on Android 2.2 yesterday. Some pretty impressive tech but overall I was left sorely disappointed by the continuous jibes at Apple from the presenter.

Perhaps "sorely disappointed" isn't quite the correct term.

I found the tone and nature of the jibes to be totally unprofessional and in most cases completely juvenile. I may vent some more about this next week.

In the meantime, one pleasant thing to come out of the Google IO conference was the inclusion of a ScreenCastsOnline badge on one of the demos screens. I missed it myself but Stu Helm and Elaine Giles were kind enough to send me a screen grab.

You can click on the image to see the full size version

Looks like it was a frame from YouTube before the session started. If anyone saw it during the presentation, please let me know!

Anyhow, it still doesn't make up for Googles unwarranted Apple bashing. IMHO

Update: My good mate Mark from over at Automated Home Website sent me a link to the actual footage of the bit where theScreenCastsOnline logo appeared in the presentation:

Reader Comments (5)

Hi Don

As an iPhone and Android user (G2) for me the most disappointing thing is lack of software updates. The G2 seems stuck at 1.5 at the moment and it's only 7 months old. It has taken Apple 3 years before their original phone got left behind at it had multiple beneficial updates. My work Android gets less and less use these days, admittedly mainly because of my iPad.

My son has even set bing as his default search engine due to googles recent anti-apple stance so I can see a time when google loses the support of the youth like facebook over privacy if they are not careful. But that's technology for you.


May 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Sammons


I haven't seen the presentation, but have read the transcripts. From what I saw the jibes were no worse than those which Apple have dished out to Microsoft in previous keynotes. Especially concerning Apple's allegations, a few years ago at WWDC, that many of Vista's new features were copies of OSX. I think most companies are guilty of getting a bit carried away when on state and Steve Jobs is no exception. If these jibes encourage Apple to raise their game then I see no problem with it.


May 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterThomas Clare

Hi Don

Well, like the man or the way he presents or not, I must say (as a rather happy iphone user), thanks to google to get into the race and challenge apple to make iphone OS better! starting with flash, tethering, wifi-hotspot and so many other things users DO want and for some bizarre reason don't get from apple. I love my iphone but I'm glad there's some serious competition out there now :-)

May 22, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterthegermanguy

I tweeted this yesterday before I'd seen or heard the Google IO conference but it was in fact aimed at 3 companies Apple Adobe and Google.

One thing I was always told when getting into sales was "not to knock your opposition" just beat their service. I still agree with that.

That has lived with me and I do not like it when a company goes down that route, it actually belittles their own company. So I agree Don. GROW UP.

May 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGazmaz

Kara Swisher at All Things Digital at the Wall Street Journal said similar things (too many jibes, juvenile). I don't mind pokes at Apple but I think painting Steve Jobs as some sort of Stalinist dictator took the jibes from being corporate to being personal. Google reminds me of the rabbit warren in Watership Down where all the rabbit's needs were met, they were well fed and comfortable but slightly uneasy since their tradeoff was that they disappeared one by one never to be seen again as the farmer used them for food. Google is one of the world's biggest advertising agencies and the free services that we all use and can't believe are free fuel a huge revenue generating business. Fair enough. But why make Jobs the evil incarnate. Apple never did that to Gates. Poke fun at Apple but don't let it get personal. //end rant.

May 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEric in London

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