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All About The iPad - New Tumblr Blog

After playing with the iPad for a couple of weeks, I think I've been fairly sensitive about the number of tweets and blogs posts I've made.

At the moment, my usual followers are split into three camps...

The Haves: These are the people who are fortunate enough to have already secured an iPad. Because of the staggered launch, most of these are based in the US and most are gagging for more information about the iPad.

The Have Nots: This camp is mainly full of non US citizens who although want an iPad, have not yet got one. Mainly due to their geographic location, but I'm also aware that a good many have not yet been able to justify the purchase of what may be considered to be a luxury purchase, or because they don't as yet see the point! As far as wanting more iPad information, this camp is fractured into those that know they are getting an iPad eventually and are more than happy to read about the iPad, and those that are so frustrated that they can't get an iPad that every iPad related tweet is a personal affront and just serves to further remind them that they can't get one - yet!

The Could'nt Care Less: These are those that are Mac fans that haven't yet decided on if they want one or not but really, all this iPad banter is really starting to rack them off big time!

So what to do...

I've been biting my virtual lip since I got the iPad wanting to give you updates and comments on how I'm finding it, what's good, what's bad (yes there are some bad things), how I'm using it, what accessories I've bought or planning to buy, etc.

I was hoping that the rest of the world would at least be able to buy an iPad in the next week or so, but that's been pushed back, as you all so painfully well know!

Well my solution has been to create a new Tumblr blog - All About The iPad

This is the place where I can speak freely about the iPad and nothing but the iPad. I chose the Tumblr format as I'm hoping to keep it short and sweet with regular short updates on things I find of interest about the iPad.

I know it's yet another source of information to track (if you want to that is) but as well as the website, there's also an RSS feed, as well as a dedicated Twitter account (@allabouttheipad), both of which will have the updates from the website propagated automatically. Choose your favourite method of consumption.

I'll also add the RSS feed into the ScreenCastsOnline iPhone app later this morning.

The Tumblr blog has comments enabled so feel free to comment away.

There is also an "Ask a question" button on the blog so if you have any iPad related questions, fire away and I'll do my best to respond.

So I hope you find the blog a useful source of iPad information over time and of course, feel free to retweet, relink, digg or whatever you want to spread the word!

BTW, the blog is a work in progress so the format may change or you may see additional widgets and stuff appear over time.

Reader Comments (8)

I'm loving the fact that I'm one of the Haves :)

April 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Somerville

Great idea, Don! It will be on my list of "must reads."

April 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCarl Olson

Australia is "supposing" to get the iPad late May, pre-orders on the 10th of May. be to early for OS 4 but I think the current iPads will be adaptable for it. Though really I should be looking at your iPad blog and probably be posting this here, just letting you know, that I am getting a loan off a trustworthy friend to get myself one. Woa! Excited! can't Wait!

My friend is doing this as I drove myself into a plea but never pushed myself to far with it but only emailed This Link to only a handful of friends with deep wishes and wondered how else to plug it more without making a fool of myself LOL To embarrassed to tweet or FaceBook heheh!

Anyhow, great idea Don, I shall now go and have a look at the iPad blog and promise not to repeat this here, which you'll probably move it to there considering moderation is on before posting is published LOL


April 26, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbunga

Well I am currently a Have Not....but despite the resistance to eBay my Son got his a week ago via Ebay.

I am ashamed to say that tomorrow I will become a have.....

Damn you Steve Jobs, your a Borg - Resistance is Futile!

I really tried hard this time as well.


April 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Sammons

I'm a proud 'HAVE' craving info

April 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPeter J. Paul

I'm a HAVE and I'm loving it!

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChris Parker

Add me to the haves. I caved in and drove 280 miles today return journey to get it. Not even had play with it yet properly.

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRob Lister

I'm a Havenot who'll be a Have if Apple Australia delivers as promised!

DonI look forward to enjoying your iPad blog as much as I enjoy all of your other contributions to our understanding of this tech world in which we live.

May 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDouggyi

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