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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Plan B

There's a problem with this week's show!

I can't record it.

The reason I can't record it, is I'm a bit poorly. Not dramatically poorly, just a bit.

Poorly enough, that if I was in a proper job I'd probably throw a "sickie" or "duvet day" as I've heard it called, but I'll survive.

The real problem is that I've a heavy head cold and cough which makes me sound awful. No issue with sitting in front of the Mac all day, but really, you wouldn't want to listen to me for 30 minutes and I really don't feel up to recording the necessary couple of hours of material needed to edit down to 30 minutes.

This creates a major issue for me as there is no plan B.

At least, not formally.

Each weeks show is usually recorded a couple of days before the publication day. That way I can keep things fresh and responsive, able to jump on any new developments or new software that comes out.

The downside is that there is no buffer. If there's a problem like this week, I have no fall back.

Yes, I know I should probably have a couple of shows in the can for times just like this, but I haven't - something I should address perhaps, or at least have one show in the can at all times.

I'll try and sort that out.

So what to do for this week.....

OK, so to completely contradict myself, I have a spare show... sort of!

It's not a normal show, it's a short tutorial that was commissioned by a previous sponsor of the show to put on their website for a new release of some familiar software. I completed the recording earlier this week, before getting sick. My original intention was to record a normal, Mac related show this week (important point!), publish the normal show today as usual, and then next week, publish this short iPad episode as a bonus show.

As there is no normal show today, I could either not post anything, or throw this short tutorial in the feed so you've got at least something to watch.

But there's another issue (stick with me, nearly there).

It's about some iPad software.

Not just any old iPad software, but the gorgeous new version of Things.

So where's the issue?

Well, I promised that this weeks show would be about the Mac, and that was my intention. I've previously posted that I would not go iPad crazy and as I mentioned earlier, the plan was to do a normal Mac based show this week.

I've had less than a handful of emails and tweets from viewers concerned about the lack of Mac content in the past two shows (but lets be fair, one was an iPhone show and one was the live draw for the iPad giveaway) but I always figure there are more viewers who think the same that don't reach out to let their feelings known.

What makes it worse, is the recent announcement of the months delay to the international release of the iPad. So a huge swathe of viewers can't even get the iPad, and here I am putting out another iPad related clip!


All things considered, I still think it's best to put something out, rather than go dark for a week.

It's still a great application and the Cultured Code guys have done a great job on rewriting Things to take advantage of the iPad. I have to say, I'm pretty delighted the way the video has turned out too.

So I'll just tie up a few loose ends and get the video finished and post it later today.

For those without iPads, I'm sorry, but at least you'll get to see some iPad software up close and personal!



Reader Comments (15)

Hi Don. These things happen. I use Things and will get an iPad (if they ever come to UK) so look forward to it.

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRichard Allum

I think that's not a bad plan B at all.

Maybe you should consider to extend the subscriptions by one week if circumstances prevent you to deliver a show. Anyone can get ill, and as a "one-man-band" this always causes problems.

Get well soon.

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMarkus

No worries Don, at least I can dream that at some point in the future I'll be able to run Things on an iPad too.

Get well soon.

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnt Cooper

Don't worry Don, it's better to have an iPad related show than no show at all indeed. Sadly for me, I will probably not be able to afford an iPad before 2010 anyway, so... Take care.

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterflec65

No worries Don. Hope you feel better soon. Take it easy for a change and you'll get better quicker :-)

Isn't this a great excuse for Mrs Don to pamper you a bit? ;-)

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMartin McNaught

Hi Don,
Shame about the cold. Happens to us all. As to the iPad, content ratio, going dark etc:

iPad: Great potential, but a moot point outwith the US at this stage. Every man and their dog is doing iPad related content "reviews", punditry etc.
I don't know the demographics of your members, but if the breakdown is more US centric than non US, maybe the iPad stuff is the way to go.

Content Ratio: I guess that after two years (I think!) as a member, I can't be called "a switcher" anymore, so I ask myself each time I watch yet another piece of software being shown, is this for me? My answer is usually no, but the sheer quality of the shows keeps me hanging in there, and every so often I get a more in-depth look at something (or you do a montage show) and I am grateful that I kept the membership up. Bottom line on content is that I would like more in-depth looks at some software, and keep the content Mac-centric.

Going Dark: In every one person business the onset of illness can disrupt the best laid plans ( I am sure you have considered what would happen to your business if you had, say, laryngitis and couldn't talk for a fortnight). All you can do is plan ahead. Going dark once a year will not turn off the membership tap (IMHO), but doing it too often may, unless you have contingency plans.

Overall, the sheer quality of these screencasts keeps me hanging in there as a member, and while I feel that many of them are not relevant to me anymore, I still recommend them to any Mac user.

When all is said and done, you are supplying a service - customers re-subscribe on the basis of value for money for them, and so far, its value for money for me. Even with the last two shows being iPad-centric!

Get well soon.

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterShane Kelly

Sounds very serious Don - Man Flu probably! Hope your wife fully understands how serious this is!!

To be honest this neither puts me up or down. Sometimes shit happens and any sane person should understand. What bothers me a little is that having watched some of the hysterical comments on the web when Apple explained why the iPad was to be delayed, makes me wonder how much rational thinking there is in the websphere!

Anyway stop talking, down a good Malt, have the weekend off and get back to work on Monday!

See ya!

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNick

Don it is more important for you to recover than anything else. Take the time necessary to get back to form. We can imagine our iPads when watching the show you have on Things!
Take care & get well soon
I am still enjoying your Aperture shows & intend to watch one of them again.

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBeverley

Feel better soon! Even though I don't have an iPad yet, I never tire of hearing about its wonderful features and software.

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGinny Brady

Get well son Don. As a rule I don't watch the show every week as soon as it comes out. In fact sometimes when I look at this weeks show it might be something I am not particularly interested in at the moment. It's the "At the moment" thats important. A great number of occasions I have been able to delve into your show archives and watch an episode that has now become of great interest to me. The point is. Those that have no intention of getting an iPad now and gloss over this weeks episode, may be very glad of it at some point in the future.

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRobbie

I think it is a perfectly reasonable plan B and that is as someone who has very little interest in Things and does not have an iPad (those of us who pre-ordered the 3G model in the US are in the same boat as the rest of the world as far as being deprived, at least so far). Get well, Don.

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBob DeGrande

Hi Don, Thats Horrible! Be sure to take care of yourself! Hope your feeling Better Soon!!


April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDennis

Great Plan B. Things for iPad is "Slick". I might have to get an iPad if this quality of apps keep coming out. Now I'm going to have to look at Things for the Mac again.

Get better soon.

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermarkd

Get some rest Don, thanks for the Things episode.

April 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnn

Sorry to hear it.
Good plan B.
Get well soon.

April 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEllenG

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