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ScreenCastsOnline and the iPad...

Just a couple of things for information.

I've seen a couple of tweets and had a couple of emails from people worrying if ScreenCastsOnline is going to go iPad crazy, based on the fact that the last two shows have been iPad focussed.

Absolutely not!

ScreenCastsOnline has always been (and will always be) focussed on getting the most from your Mac.

However, I see the Mac, the iPhone, the iPod touch and the iPad as parts of an ever growing Apple ecosystem that is tightly integrated. Invariably, Mac users are more likely to own some, or all of these products, and as such, it's valid that ScreenCastsOnline covers software and features that integrate across the platforms or where I see particular merit, on individual platforms. 

I've been very excited by the launch of the iPad and feel very fortunate that I was able to get my hands on one of the first ones and by doing so, felt obliged to feature the iPad in the show for the benefit of those outside of the US (and those within the US who didn't get one at launch).  My early exposure to the iPad, has only reconfirmed to me that the device represents a pivotal moment in computing, and the platform will be of huge importance as we move forward.

Whilst I appreciate that there are some people, that have no interest in the iPad (or the iPhone for that matter) , the vast majority of the ScreenCastsOnline are interested in new developments in the Apple space and look to the show for guidance and early exposure to new Apple products.

Reading back, I may be coming across a a bit defensive but that's not my intention. I've had less than a handful of comments from worried members. I just really want to put people's minds at ease that the iPad and my recent coverage does not indicate a change in emphasis in the show.  I'll still be covering the Mac in depth, but it would be foolish of me to exclude coverage of the iPhone or iPad, just because they are not strictly Macs. So expect to see the usual varied and hopefully interesting and stimulating range of topics you've come o expect from the show.

I'd probably would have had more negative responses if I'd not mentioned the iPad at all!



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Reader Comments (9)

Personally I'm enjoying the iPad stuff and I'm sure you'll keep it all in balance as you do with other things such as the free vs paid apps. I do like how your show schedule is flexible enough to be 'of the moment', so when Apple releases new products or software we get a good overview from an impartial perspective (well, non Apple employee at any rate ;-)

I'm away at the end of the month so won't get an iPad til May - just wondering when Apple are going to announce UK pricing though, and start pre-orders. Not long until the end of month now.

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnt Cooper

I always find whatever you cover both interesting and informative. The iPad is the tech product of the moment, and your experiences and observations of it from a British perspective are most welcome.

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Carter

I agree with Ant and David. You seem always to find the right balance. I primarily love love love my Macs and can't get enough tutorials on how to use them but also very much want to know about all the latest Apple products and related software for all Apple gear. Thanks Don.

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRose Matthews

Hi Don, I am pleased you have kept us all up to date with the iPad and shared your excitement on launch day and I agree with your comments. If anything I am so jealous you managed to get one before me! Anyway keep up the good work and an excellent show...

P.S. Do you any inside information for UK iPad launch date? ;)

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Gray

Hi Don, I love everything you produce and hope that you continue to educate me on all things Apple, not just my Mac. I also hope you continue to update us on your gear. I have learned and benefited so much from your words of wisdom in this area. Thanks for everything.

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLamike

There's a real easy solution for that Don, the "Egg of Columbus" as we say.
Just do three weekly shows, one for Mac, one for iPad and one for iPhone/iTouch! ;)

All jokes aside, I am sure you will find the right balance.
If you want my opinion I'd say 85% Mac and 15% for the rest.
My favorite shows are Mac as you can see.
The only intrest I have in the other platforms is purely for discovering new apps.
And yes, I use an iPhone, several iPods and ordered an iPad on the very first day.

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlunayconsuela

Really happy we've gotten early reports of the iPad from you. I'm sure you'll remain balanced. More of the same thanks

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRichard

I love all the iPad coverage. I'm using mine every day but I'm sure not to it's full potential. Please count me in the "can't get enough" iPad coverage section.

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnn

iPad and perhaps a faster iphone using the A4 chip multi tasking on os4+ will be more like a MacBook and the iphone os will get more like OSX proper so in time it may be that the os will merge and the device may be less of an issue.

April 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersimon whiteside

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