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YTC027 - Update

Just some thoughts about the recent changes to iWork.Com and just what are Apple up to building that humongous $1 billion datacentre


Reader Comments (2)

Hi Don,
Don't know all of what you have changed but to my (older) eyes YTC027 is superior to YTC026 in both 720P and 480P. Perhaps you have changed the lighting. Perhaps it is the Matrox appliance but 027 looks better. Particularly the glare off of the Apple boxes right above your head. Also 026 has noticeable pixelating on your head whereas 027 has just a hint. Just my observations. Have a good weekend.

March 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterD. Buck

the new capture approach seems to be clearer to me (45 yr old eyes)

March 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersimon whiteside

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