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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Just seen this in my RSS feed this morning. Steve Harris of Reinvented Software (maker of such fine software as Feeder and others) has just launched Poster - a very beautiful, simple application for posting your photos to Flickr and FaceBook profiles and FaceBook pages.

It works as a standalone application so you can use it with any photo application but also includes fully featured plugins for Aperture and iPhoto.  You can add tags, create or add to groups, sets, etc - all the metadata you can throw at it. It also integrates well with both online services, exposing all the elements you've already set up on your online accounts for easy selection.

I had a quick play with it this morning and you can call me impressed.

You can download a 15 day free trial and have a play from the Reinvented Software site




Reader Comments (1)

O, now I know why he changed his Profilpic that often recently ;)

December 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristian

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