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Apple TV 4.1.1 Update

So that's it, Apple really want me to buy a new HD TV.

A new Apple TV Gen 2 firmware update was pushed out overnight, which fixed some resolution and HDMI handshake issues.

Downloaded and installed the update, but it still doesn't fix my problem of being unable to force the Apple TV into 720p 50Hz, as I used to be able to do with my old Apple TV.

That's the second update now and still no menu entry to select resolutions.

Ho hum....

Reader Comments (3)

There are some terrific deals out there. You can still get a 50" 3D Samsung with Blu Ray player and glasses for £900.It doesnt have the full 'Internet@tv" (iPlayer etc) but is a great set for the money.

I have the Panasonic Plasma G20 50" which I love. I have the optional Skype camera and can Skype from my living room. Imagine how that would look on Macbreak Weekly!

December 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNeil Gilroy

I find the new update has broken items that use to work. I get the error content requires HDCP for play back. I get this error for all airplay viideo from my iPad and copyright items streamed from iTunes.

Example Avatar movie bought on iTunes did not work on my old TV when first bought. Then it worked after the first update and now it does not.

Apple still thinks it's a hobby.

December 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChris

A new Apple TV Gen 2 firmware update was pushed out overnight, which fixed some resolution and HDMI handshake issues.

Is there a way to go around this output problem. Maybe with a HDMI to Component converter?

December 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMorten Eriksen

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