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YTC017 - iPad Musings


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Reader Comments (10)

the iPad is going to change the way I work - I teach at university and often travel, and work at home in the evenings. I use a laptop because I have to, but it's too hot, too heavy and too damned distracting (Netnewswire, Safari on in the background constantly diverting me from work!)

For me, no multitasking and no Flash are features, not limitations. Being able to edit presentations and plug the iPad in to a projector make it such a gamechanger for me. I want it now. Not because it's Apple, but because it really does suit my needs.

I'm also wondering about 3G. Do I need it? Mmm. Most of my train journeys have wifi now, and I have access to BT OpenZone too. I think my iPhone will meet my "must check my email now for latest messages" needs, and the iPad will meet my less urgent "out of office away from network" needs. Plus, I'm beginning to think life was simpler when I couldn't check my email constantly...
So maybe the wireless-only option for me.

January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan

Jonathan, I love your statement "For me, no multitasking and no Flash are features, not limitations."

I think a lot of people will see it that way too, once they start to use the device.

Great comment!

January 29, 2010 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

I will be one of those early adopters to the iPad. Ever since the iPhone and iPod Touch came out, I've been saying, (to my wife's exasperation,) that all I want or need is a huge iPod Touch. That's what this is, and I couldn't be happier! :)

I've actually had to stop reading all the blogs. There are so many people calling this thing an immediate failure! It doesn't have this, it doesn't have that… ad nauseum. (Basically everything they said about all the other gear that Apple has come out with.) Apple said it best when they simply put it right in the center of the iPhone and an actual laptop. It's funny to hear people say that Apple must be stupid and doesn't know what they're doing.

Really, how many people do you know personally that said they wouldn't buy something so ridiculous like the iPhone when it came out? How many of those same people now have one? I can't wait to be able to read one of my many Apple Training Series books, or any of the other similar books, that are on PDF. I can't on my iPod Touch. It's too small. I don't on my old G3 iBook. It's too awkward. It's Baby Bear's Bed. Just right!

January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWayne

I see a major benefit to myself in terms of business use with iWork and for that alone I love the iPad and will be buying one. I have a trip to Orlando in August so I may get one in the USA when I am over there as the UK prices are always so much higher, but the main positive is that the iPad is going to be a real positive to how we interact with computer hardware in our daily lives. I am excited about the new apps that will be developed for the iPad!

January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Hearn

I think Don hit the nail on the head when he talked about expectations. I like him brought the MBA as a lightweight device that i could use around the house, but also on frequent trips. I think those that are saying its a big iTouch have missed the point totally, yes it essentially is but the iPhone and iTouch have already proved the concept works, now a larger device between the iPhone and the Laptop, why would I every need to buy a printed product again. Add to that the power of the 3rd parties, and seriously I am a diary and contacts junky why would I ever carry a notepad an pen into a meeting again? iWord, fits that model too.

Now Apple has reinvented they will do what they always to evolve the product. Many other manufacturers will watch, copy, and wait, but Apple has stood up and said "Hey about this?" We know they will listen, and in 12 months time there will be a V2 and then a V3, while everyone else watches, copies, and waits.

Personally this is something I like the idea of and I will be buying one. I have already ordered a 13" MBP to replace the MBA.

January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMark Dalton

I don't know if I'd go for one and toyed with the idea of an iPhone for anyway Internet access. But with this coming would you want two data plans. I'm considering getting one of those MiFi personal routers such as £ now have. A portable 3G/WiFi access point of your own. With that an iPad and iPod touch could both share the same network connection.

Still haven't made my mind up about the iPad. Depends what it costs in £'s I suppose. I already have a Sony eBook reader (which can use Kindle books etc. that I've bought) so wouldn't need the iPad for that. In fact I'd be afraid to leave the iPad where I'd leave the Sony eReader.

January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRob

As a musician working in Film & TV as well as Jazz Jive & Swing, I have had a device in my mind for some time that would allow me to read sheet music on a flat screen. I have tried a tablet computer using PDF . That worked to a degree. As a pianist I use the iReal Book app on my iPhone for chord sequences and it allows for instant transposition into a new key.( great for working with singers)

With the Features that the ipad boasts already I can see a host of ways I could use one.

1. Demonstrating music to film to a director.
2. Showing a potential client a keynote presentation of my Band
3. Writing a book on film music with printed music,audio clips & movie examples.
4. A whole new form of multi media documentary possibilities
5. Writing music onto virtual staves with my finger!
6. Controling a m.i.d.i device graphicaly
7.having PDF scores to study

That is on top of using existing apps like bento, billings,omnifocus or notes.
or having a better time playing scrabble,tackling a crossword in 2 across or smacking a ball for six in cricket. Not to mention the possibility of watching sky sports on ipad or using utilities like radio box to stream Internet radio.

Finally posting this comment on a keyboard nearer the size of a laptop rather than my iPhone ( I am a big handed chap!) Will I get the first gen ipad may be G3 more likely an ipad with a camera for video conferencing iChat would be cool. I would not be even considering any of this if the price was higher.

I own a Mac Pro,Mac book pro, mac mini, iPhone, apple TV plus 4 legacy macs so let's face it at some point I am goIng to have an ipad. The question for Apple Retail is when will I commit to it. I use my kit for work ( and pleasure) with mobile me adding a device to the family is seemless and the diary and Calander stuff looked great more like a book.

I love physical books but could find it useful to have text books electronically especially if one could subscibe so ,say,when logic pro updates so does my book.

I am a fan already but look forward to having my mind blown by the uses for the ipad that are yet to be conceived.

January 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSimon Whiteside

Some excellent responses in the comments, thanks to everyone for taking the time to contribute.

I'm continually having some Eureka moments when pondering about the iPad and it's potential.

It's going to be a long 60 days ;-)

January 31, 2010 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

The more I think about the iPad, the more it might suit what I want. When it gets here in the UK. I'd like a device other than my work laptop to use around the house (it's already now encrypted etc.). I want a device to surf the web, check email, maybe watch video (on holiday), mess with photos etc. But I've never been sure I need an actual laptop.

I might have got a Macbook soonish but that is heavier and more costly than I need. And a netbook screen is too small. So maybe the iPad (if Fujitsu let them call it that! the iPad may still need renaming) is what I need.

I have a Sony ebook reader so books could be read on that etc.

So Don did you order the MiFi after I mentioned it above. I think the 3 Mifi can be unlocked. Vodafone seem to have a better deal on data access because credit does not expire. But the Vodafone MiFi is not here yet. The unlocked equivalent of the 3 MiFi device costs a lot more than the locked version.

Still working for your old employer. If I could come up with a plan like you did I'd be living in Greece soon (with broadband).

February 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRob

Hi Rob, Good to see you here!

The whole issue of Apple bring more computer users across to Apple - Not to the Mac - but to Apple for now via the iPad has been on my mind recently and probably the subject of another blog post.

I think it's going to be huge!

I went with the Novatel Wireless MiFi 2352 Intelligent Mobile Hotspot more expensive than the 3 but unlocked and more capable - I think! Again subject of another blogpost.

GIve my regards to the old crew!

February 3, 2010 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

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