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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Following WWDC 09 Keynote...

I've had a few tweets asking where I'll be following the keynote. So here are a few links that I'll be using. I much prefer the auto renewing pages, much less hassle to follow along. All these sites are auto-refreshing:


ars technica

A new one this year is the gdgt live page which I'll be taking a look at.

However, the non autorefreshing page over at Engadget usually has some great photos.

My usual approach is to follow them all in separate browser windows for the first ten minutes or so, it's pretty easy to see who is on top in speed and detail after that. I then close down all except for the best two.

There's plenty more out there, feel free to leave your favourite in the comments!

Reader Comments (2)

What I really would like to see is an HDMI jack added to the mac mini. the mm seems to have replaced the Apple TV as the media server of choice. Just try and buy a refurb! Or maybe they meld them together someway.

June 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFrank Petrie

Excellent! New iPhone! Lots of lovely new features - still one or two things lacking though, I'd say. I wonder how much better the battery life really will be.

June 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDaley

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