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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Just four short weeks before leaving for MacMania 09 and I'm way behind in where I wanted to be.

So the next four weeks are going to take some serious planning and hard grafting. I'll need to cut down the distractions (sorry Twitter) and get some focus to make sure everything is accomplished before I can leave.

Following on from a recent blog post, the overwhelming consensus was that the world will not end if I don't publish a show for two weeks.


Oh well, that's a good thing then! It relieves the pressure somewhat in that I don't have to double production leading up the trip, besides which, even if I did the shows for the weeks I'm away, there is no guarantee that I could publish them remotely. I've got a house sitter organised who will take on some of the membership related emails and queries, so I should be able not to worry too much about that side of things.

One thing I will take seriously over the next four weeks is to try and get in shape for the trip.

I could do with losing at least two stone (28lbs) to bring my weight down to a reasonable level. I appreciate that it's not going to happen in four weeks but I'll try my best to at least make a dent in that. Nothing dramatic, just a bit more exercise, no chocolate, reduced portion sizes and no alcohol midweek (a definite cause of midnight snacking!). I'll also be trying out a regular course of JuicePlus to supplement my eating habits. It just so happens that one of my regular ScreenCastsOnline viewers is associated with JuicePlus and he has kindly sent over some samples for me to try out - Thanks Curt!

I'll not bore you everyday with an update, but I'll try and report back at least every week to let you know how I get on. Going public may help me stick to a sensible regime. Just for the record, as of today I'm, 14st 10lbs (206lbs or 93Kgs), if I can loose at least 14lbs in the next 4 weeks, that would be a start!

Reader Comments (8)

Don, I wish you well! At 93kg you're a puny wretch compared with my 117kg!!! I also aspire to lose some tonnage. At your rate I ought to set my sights at losing around 20kg, (or 6st in old money—I'll leave our american cousins to work it out in pounds (multiply by 14)).
Trouble is, my wife is a wicked cook, and gets upset if I ask her for less!

June 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNicholas KERR

I'm sure you can do it Don!

Make sure you don't eat when you're watching TV or using the computer - you'll become unaware of how much you're eating

If you really have to eat when you're watching a movie or doing something else, keep the plate more than an arm's reach away - then you won't be so tempted to reach and grab some

Water helps metabolism - drink loads, but only sip during mealtimes (water can slow digestive juices)

Good luck!

June 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHugo Poon

Avoid High glycemic index (GI) carbs like potatos, pasta and sweets of course. Replace with high fiber or even lean meat or even healthy fat such as olive oil nuts etc. Any carb that is easily digested will go straight to your waist. Good luck

June 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMaya

I'm not the creator of juice plus (whoops! my bad! I've amended the original post - Don), but I appreciate Don's kind words. He is the most thorough trainer on line in my opinion. And on top of all that a truly GREAT GUY. I have a virtual franchise with juice plus in 20+ countries. You can find me on twitter if you have questions at @curtbeavers. My kids now eat their vegetables!!!!

June 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCurt Beavers

Butties and chippy chips be gone!

June 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWally

2 weeks ago I bought a second hand bike - dirt cheap.
I've done about 10 miles a day (it's got a wee thingy that tells me) and the weight is simply being carved off. Down 3 Kilos already...It's tragic.

I'm already having to drastically step up the beer and chocolate consumption simply to maintain the robust and manly 'luuurve-gut' that 'the ladies' swoon over.

So - lesson learned. Do NOT buy and use a bicycle. It'll bankrupt you paying for extra beers and pizza - and worse yet you'll lose all your lady-friends because slim blokes are obviously gay right?

June 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGraham Cooper

"Some people are porsche's, others are Ferrari's, I am content in the thought I am a Volvo. Side impact cushions and airbags, low maintenance, and reliable."

Don, hope you have a lot of fun and enjoy the trip. Look forward to seeing some of the pictures.

June 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark Dalton

[...] back to my previous blog post, fell off the wagon only a couple of times this week in my attempt to get a bit trimmer and fitter [...]

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