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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Made it...

Finally made over to the US following a long and pretty much uneventful journey. By the way, if you can afford to upgrade to World Traveller Plus on BA for long haul flights (basically Premium Economy) it's well worth it. Huge difference in comfort and space.

My plans on documenting the creation of this weeks show as the basis for the show next week didn't quite go to plan as things all went a bit "pair shaped" during the encoding stage. Despite having both Mac Pros configured as normal, I spent the best part of Wednesday afternoon and early evening trying to get the encoding to run properly. I finally managed by reverting back to a single Mac Pro, but considering it was around 8pm before I stared uploading the various versions to Libsyn and I was due to get up at 5am the following morning. The post product tasks had to wait.

I'd planned to do them on the plane and was successful, but I wasn't able to record those stages so will do them retrospectively when I get back. So still on track for next week.

Plans for today include a visit to Santa Monica to try out the new camera and GPS, then traveling across to Catalina Island with Steve and Allison in the afternoon. The Star Trek screening isn't on until Saturday evening, so that gives us a day to explore and chill out. That's if it's possibly for three geeks to ever chill out!

Reader Comments (1)

It's really quite a trip. Los Angeles, Catalina Island, back to LA, then the Mothership, then Petaluma for Macbreak Weekly, then who knows what. I live in the Bay Area and think your travels are more than what is expected of a mere mortal. Have fun, stay away from the fires in Santa Barbara (75 miles north of LA) and we'll look forward to the next posts.

May 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMilodog

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