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A longer weekend....

OK, OK, so planning going to LA for a three day visit is probably bonkers!

On reflection, I should really extend my stay by a couple of days to make the most out of the trip.

So that's what I've done!

So the revised plan is still to get into LA on the Thursday. By the way, the identity of the podcaster I referred to in my earlier post ("generosity of a certain Mac podcaster") is Allison Sheridan of the Nosillacast podcast. She and her husband Steve, are picking me up from the Airport and letting me stay with them before traveling down to the Star Trek event. I probably would not have gone had it not been for their exceptionally kind offer! Thanks Allison & Steve!

The Star Trek event finishes on the Sunday and I'm hoping to meet up with an old friend who lives in LA, to catch up on old times.

The original plan was then to fly back home on the Sunday night, but the change of plan is that now I'll be flying up to San Francisco on the Sunday evening.

Monday, I'll pick up a hire car and rive out to Cupertino where I'll be lunching with some guys from Apple and having a bit of free time. Nothing planned for Monday evening as yet!

Tuesday morning, I'll drive up to Petaluma and drop in on the TWIT gang and say hello to Leo. It just so happens that "MacBreak Weekly" gets recorded on a Tuesday, so I'll be able to take part, live from the TWIT cottage - how cool is that! Thanks to Mr Laporte for letting me crash in on MBW!

Following my visit, I'll drive back down to SFO and head back home late Tuesday night, arriving back in the UK on Wednesday.


PS Thanks also to my brother Ian, for taking over a longstanding commitment I had with my daughters Dance class. He'll be the one operating the lights at a local charity show on the Sunday, while I'm mooching around California - Thanks Bro'!

Reader Comments (10)

Wow - you're going to the TWiT cottage! :) Can't wait to watch that show.

Will you make it to the mother ship when you are in Cupertino then?


May 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterotto-mate

Wow with that schedule your going to be tired, but it does sound fun.

May 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark Dalton

Look forward to seeing you in the TWIT cottage too! Say hi to Leo from us! How cool!

May 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBen in Madrid

I don't know. That lunch thing with the Apple guys, sounds kind of nefarious to me. :-) I'm very excited for you, Don. Have a wonderful trip!

May 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark Sheppard

Mark Sheppard :

I don’t know. That lunch thing with the Apple guys, sounds kind of nefarious to me." alt=":-)" class="wp-smiley">

"nefarious" I had to look that up!

No, all perfectly innocent I can assure you :-)

May 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDonMc

otto-mate :

Will you make it to the mother ship when you are in Cupertino then?


Not sure, may pop in to stock up on some more ScreenCastsOnline giveaways!

May 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDonMc

I don't know Don, I have a few concerns.

1) Do you have ANY idea just how crazy Allison is?
2) Taco Bell Thursday - be warned!
3) Driving in the United States - you do know we drive on the RIGHT side of the road here. :)

Just kidding. I'm so sorry I won't be able to head out to meet you all. I was seriously considering going myself. I'm a long time Star Trek fan and getting the invite was thrilling. But then I realized it fell over Mothers Day weekend and I'd probably never hear the end of it if I left.

Have a great time and take lots of pictures for us!

May 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

Katie, Thank goodness Don's arrival doesn't coincide with "Bag O' Meat" night.

Don, One warning: Allison may very well have a jogging outfit all picked out for you, with hopes of dragging you along for one of her jolly jaunts. :-)

May 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark Sheppard

Maybe you'll meet the world famous Honda Bob?

Sounds like you have a packed schedule - hope everything works out!

May 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMatt Hillyer

Wait! There are people who got the invite who are not going, how crazy is that? There are some of us (me for example) who can only dream of getting invitations like that.
Mother's Day is every year, this is a once in a lifetime deal.
Will you get to meet up with Victor Don?
How did you get in touch with Leo to tell him you were coming, some kind of secret email address I guess, I'm still waiting for my email replies. :-)

May 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Shadwell

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