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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Hardware day.....

Today is a hardware day, and in that I mean, it's time for a re-organise!

I've already split my 2 x RAID 0 Arrays into 3 1TB RAID 1 Arrays - One for Media, one for Data and one for current Video projects and the empty Drobo and DroboShare is arriving tomorrow.

So today I need to:

PowerPC G5 Tower
Remove the existing PowerPC G5 Tower and make ready for sale.

MacPro-01 (My original MacPro)
Add some additional eSata ports using an eSATA extender cable so I can hook up the Voyager external drive using eSATA

Move MacPro-01 over to the other desk and migrate the accounts on the G5 Tower over to it.

Reconfigure the printers connected to the G5 Tower to hang off MacPro-01

MacPro-02 (My new MacPro)
Split the existing RAID 0 partition and remove the 3 x 1TB drives and replace with 3 x 750GB drives from the split raids. I intend to use the 3 x 1TB drives (plus and additional 1TB drive in the Drobo)

Add some additional eSata ports using an eSATA extender cable so I can hook up the Voyager external drive using eSATA

Reconnect all three monitors

Start adding in any applications I haven't yet installed

MacBook Pro
Connect to the 30" monitor using the KVM switch

Finish the build process as best I can

Clear a space for the Drobo and DroboShare

Remove any redundant cabling and basically tidy up.

Superduper Backups
Make SD backups of all machines

So that should keep me busy for a few hours!

Update: I decided against installing the sSATA extender cables. They use two unused ports on the MacPro logic board but to get to them you have to remove the drives and fan enclosure. Not a big job, and for someone delving into the innards all the time, probably trivial. But, I decided against risking it, just in case!

I'll hold onto them until I either pluck up the courage or if there is a real need for them.

Reader Comments (9)

Now that's what I call a fun day, and I'm being serious. I love playing.. sorry... working with hardware.

April 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Shadwell

Oh, sounds like in! But such nice weather for the UK today!

April 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjon

Second on the weather :D but… I think that tinkering with macs is still fun :~>

April 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJack

Of course you remembered to take pictures before, during, and eventually after :-)

April 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark Dalton

But if I take pictures I'll need to tidy up!

April 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDonMc

Me too! Added Drobo, bought new Mac Pro, added 3 Samsung ssd 256 g drives, divided between a system and a raid(0) striped Home drive. Everything screams! Worth the trouble and the bleeding edge implementation!

Love the Drobo! Super Duper user as well.

April 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpyrrhonist

Just love following your hardware migrations. Would absolutely cherish a SCOO explaining your use of ChronoSync. Have no relationship with the ChronoSync publishers; just find the program elegant.

April 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlamike

Hey Don,

Wonder if I might post a comment to the blog to get some feedback from you...

I knew you used a really handy "toaster" of an external drive enclosure/swapper, having heard you talk about it before on MacBreak Weekly and your own screencasts, but I couldn't remember what it was called. Now having searched your blog I've found it, the Voyager Q.

I had a drive fail in my drobo yesterday. I have a new drive winging its way to me at present, but when I swap would like to try and inspect the failed drive, re-format and maybe use again if it comes back to life (though obviously for no precious data).

So, to the crux of my question, Voyager Q is distributed by OWC in the states. Did you buy through them or have you found a UK supplier? If the former, any thoughts on buying trans-atlantic from OWC?



July 8, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterfamilymangreg

I got my Voyager Q from the UK -

July 8, 2010 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

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