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First things first....

So what would be the first things I'd install on my brothers new MacBook?

No contest!

First thing would be Launchbar from Objective Development. Yes, I know you can use Spotlight as an application launcher and half the Mac community swear by QuickSilver but it's Launchbar for me. So much more than a simple Application launcher, the latest beta version of LB is an absolutely invaluable way of exposing some of the power of the Mac simply and easily. I'll do a full show on the app once out of beta, but I can't imagine using a Mac without it.

The next thing would be the apps included in the "MacSwitcher Bundle" - That would be TextExpander, 1Password and Witch. TextExpander is a tremendous productivity boost allowing you to use abbreviations to paste huge swathes of text into emails or documents, create email sigs, correct spelling, loads of uses! 1Password is the password management tool that integrates superbly with Safari and most other web browsers. Witch is a cool window switching tools that cycles through your active windows (and your minimised applications)

So that's the first bundle of apps to go on when the new machine arrives.

There'll be more over the next week or so.

Reader Comments (7)

Best hurry up with the switcher bundle, does the $49.95 deal finish 31st March 09 ahhhh... no it doesn't, looks like its been extended indefinitely.....Sorry for that confusion

March 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGoodnightL.A

I recently reloaded my iMac and the first three apps I re-installed were Launchbar, 1 Password and OmniFocus. I think the next one up was probably Typinator (very similar app to Textexpander).

I totally agree on Launchbar being one of the best apps on the Mac, its definitely one of the most used apps on my Mac's. I'm still using version 4 though, I never got around to installing the Beta.

March 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPhil

These are the apps I think everyone/most people should have:

Also first set up an iChat account so you can trouble shoot and show things by screen share. That is step 1. Step 2 is to set up Expose. Step 3 is Flip for Mac (before they call you that they can't play their wmv files.

Then the apps:

LB (or Quicksilver).
Diskinventory (especially when you have a small (SSD) drive
Mail act on etc

BTW, talking of which, a SCO about LB 5 would be a great show. Especially now it is (almost) out of Beta.

March 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDirk

Most switchers I've encountered want to know how to get WMV movies to play on their new Macs. Flip4Mac is essential.

Another essential is Firefox. There are too many sites that refuse to recognize Safari.

Third? That's easy... 1Password.

Dave P.

March 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDave P.

Check out Finder Pop, too. I live by it.

March 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFrank Petrie

Thanks for the extra suggestions - dome new ones in there!

April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDonMc

I found LaunchBar (v5 BETA) to be very clunky and slow. Perhaps I will take a look at the final release. Regarding software I would like to recommend either LiteswitchX which unfortunately seems the developer when under however you can still find copies on the net, or witch for making alt-tab or cmd-tab work like it does in windows. My biggest pet peeve in OS X is that when you switch to an app it doesn't bring back all the minimized windows.

April 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPeedy

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