Something other than Macs...

I really need a hobby or an interest away from Macs and IT in general!
I'm one of the fortunate ones who work on something they love with a passion, but the downside (if you can call it a downside) is that it does consume nearly every waking moment.
I should really have an outlet where I can forget all about the Mac and the business and just let go.
Problem is, I'm not a great sporty type, and despite living in the centre of the footballing universe
(Hah! Flame bait if ever I saw it :-) ) here in Liverpool, I don't follow the footie (Sorry J.F) My son is well into American Football but I've tried and I just can't get into it.
Not being the outdoor type, fishing, hiking, running, etc., really don't do anything for me, even though I know it would do me a power of good.
So what to do?
Well, This weekend, I'm going to make an effort and start to follow the F1 season, with the first race on Sunday. It is Sunday isn't it?
Yes, I know, not very healthy slumped in front of the TV but I'm looking for relaxation of the mind!
We'll see if it lights a spark in me.
UPDATE: Well I got up at 6:30am this morning to watch the F1 race. Yeah, I enjoyed it, but still a lot to learn and I would imagine over time, it will get even more interesting. It's a start!

Reader Comments (14)
Well, as a long time F1 fan, welcome! But I must say, you haven't picked the easiest sport to follow - even more so this weekend, having to wake up early!
You sound like me, though I am a ex-petrol head so TV motorsports would be the only choice. EXCEPT I find F1 tedious and dull. If someone had my hand up my back, and a gun to my head, I'd choose to watch rally cars - there's some stuff on Dave most days, Sunday usually has its fair share.
If you did 'get into it' it's far more accessible as a live spectator sport than F1. Attending UK rally events is a lot cheaper!
Good luck!
You've picked a good year. The new regulations have mixed things up and last year's underdogs (Honda, now Brawn GP) are looking like the favourites for Melbourne. I just hope there's some overtaking!!!!
I'm afraid Moto GP leaves F1 in the shade as a spectacle..
A good time for a tech geek to join! What with several feeds on the Beeb, using the existing red button technology and the linked in stuff from the excellent BBC website.
You will need to have your MacBook Air on your lap as you are watching......
I must confess to being a total F1 addict. You will need to invest a bit of time to understand the technology and rules to get the best out of it, otherwise it will indeed just look like a load of cars going in round in circles.
And as PJE says above, the rule changes do seem to have shuffled the pack a bit, so it should be a very interesting season.
About 6 years ago after spending too many yearsin a chair looking at a computer monitor I decided I needed to be more physically active and get away from the computer. Like you I'm not sporty (I usually get hurt doing anything remotely sporty) but I knew that for health reasons I had to find a way to be more active and not just do something else involving sitting.
My solution was to buy a small digital camera and go out for hour long walks taking photos of anything that caught my interest. I wasn't walking anyplace in particular, at first I just went out near my home. But I found it fun and relaxing and discovered lots of interesting and quirky things I never noticed. Then I started going further and further afield, exploring my neighborhood and eventually all of London. It's now 6 years later and I've walked thousands upon thousands of miles and taken a lot of bad photos and some good ones (see my web site). I lost 20kg of weight because the walking was good exercise and it got me involved with some light weight training which I could do at home with almost no equipment and then I improved my diet as a result of feeling better about myself. I also learned a good bit about photography. (You can see my photos since 2004 at my website.)
Start small with no great expectations and think of your walking time as time to indulge yourself free of all other obligations and you might find it the refreshing change you're looking for.
Whatever you do, do not watch Nascar. That is all.
Ok, here is my suggestion. Take flying lessons with a goal to getting a private pilot's license. It is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.
Just to say... that I am a complete car nut..... and have 3 Classic Cars.....
It is just so much fun to get out into the country and to drive them and get a bit of fresh air...
I would recommend anything to do with old cars and motorsport... but then, that is just kinda me!! :)
Learn French, Don!
Would love to! Perhaps when the membership ranks swell just a tad more ;-)
Don - welcome to the pleasure dome! F1 is a perfect blend of tech and speed. Not quite sure how DocDelete can say it's "tedious and dull" - mustn't have watched last years season ;)
Get yourself off to a race, you've gotta hear (feel) / Smell the cars for yourself.
As has been said already, get the lappy by your side for the live timing on during the race and qually.
Looking forward to the first ScreenCastOnline episode on Venturi design on the Mac ;)
I've loved F1 since being a little kid. Sadly its not what it used to be and in the last few years I've started to drift away from it. Hopefully the new regulation will bring a bit of spice back to what should be a fantastic sport. I can't wait.
Qualifying has already thrown a few surprises (although those who have followed testing expected some of them) Brawn GP on front row, & Mclaren at the back Brilliant :) Lets hope we have much more drama on the track.
I hope you enjoy this weekends sessions