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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Oh, What a night..... 

Excuse the reference to The Four Seasons :-)

Well the night in question was the MacHeist live reveal show as mentioned in previous posts.

To be honest I'd only heard about the reveal show after finishing the bulk of the screencasts and I'd assumed that the screencasts would only be appearing on the website. Seeing them featured so prominently on the live reveal show was an unexpected bonus and I got a few plugs for ScreenCastsOnline!

I'd stayed up late to take a look so it was a fairly late night for me over here in the UK, with the show starting at Midnight (or just after) and running for what must have been over 90 minutes. It was very much a communal experience with lots of twitter activity, great fun! If you missed the live reveal show, it's still available to stream over at

As far as the show is concerned, the screencasts suffer a bit due to the low resolution of the stream but you can get a good feel for the applications.

If you don't want to sit through the live reveal show, you can see all the screencasts plus an overview screencast over on the MacHeist, but in a much higher resolution. I have to say the the MacHeist website is absolutely gorgeous, and they've integrated my screencasts amazingly well.

What I think I'll do for the ScreenCastsOnline show this week (as it's a free show), is to do a special "Behind The Scenes" show where I'll show you the workflow I used to put the screencasts together and also feature all the videos and give you some further thoughts on the applications. A bit like a Directors Commentary on the MacHeist videos. I won't be able to go into a lot of detail on how I put the videos together or delve too much into the apps, but it might be interesting to some people and I'm sure the bundle will be of interest to most ScreenCastsOnline viewers.

I might even do some full shows on some of the Apps over the coming months.

Just for full disclosure so you know where I stand on the financial side of things, MacHeist commissioned me to do the screencasts on a flat fee basis. I'll receive no commission on any of the MacHeist sales, although I think it's good to promote it independently, as it's a great deal for the buyer and 25% of the sale will go to charity. MacHeist have not commissioned or sponsored this weeks edition of ScreenCastsOnline (they aren't even aware of it!) and I'll receive no payment in respect of it. Just want to get the word out to as many peeps as possible.

I'll be back to a normal tutorial show next week, and I've started preparing for a show featuring Apples iWork application - Numbers '09. So if you're fed up hearing about MacHeist, please bare with me for just one more week!

PS Guess what, yesterday was the 30th consecutive daily post (well I started on the 25th February but I did a couple of days with more than a single post.

It's been difficult at times but has certainly re-energised the blog and I've had great feedback and the comments have increased significantly. I'll have to install some measurement software (perhaps I should have done that before setting off on my post a day for 30 day quest) but it's not really about the numbers. I'll have to see if I can keep it up for another 30 days.....


Reader Comments (8)

Look forward to the show Don. As a recent full switcher I have to decide where to put my cash, I like the look of the 1Password app and was hoping this was going to be included in MH3... it wasn't (seems to have been in earlier Mac Heists) so i have to decide on MH3 or the Mac Switcher Bundle......Decisions Decisions!!
Also I need to sign on to SCO.... I want them all!!! but may have to settle for 2 out of 3 (then again that isale app looks good) Ummmm...

March 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGoodnightL.A

Congrats on the MacHeist job Don, great work.

I for one would love to see an in-depth screencast on The Hit List once it comes out of beta (it is still in beta right?). I have Things, but really it's a bit too much for me. THL looks a little simpler to use (not to say that it isn't full featured).

March 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJulian

Don congratulations on the prominent feature on the MacHeist deal. You deserve it. I'll be able to say "I knew him when"... I love you man :)

March 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVictor Cajiao


First of all congrats for the MacHeist job. And I can hardly wait for this week's show.

Second of all, congrats for the 30 consecutive daily posts. That really is impressive! Now you have to keep it up for another 30 ... and then another ... :-)

March 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStelian Iancu

Absoutely great job for MacHeist, Don !! You and these guys are dooing so good for the Mac platform... thanks !! I'd like to let you know that I'm sometimes considered a Mac Guru ( or a desperately Mac Addict, depends on who's talking to me or my friends... ) and, when I say that those friends should go and check out ScreenCastsOnline, they say : Whot, your insights are not enough ?? I must admit that your job - bringing simple and effective informations about Mac Apps and workflows ! - is just as interesting for newbies as for seasonned experts... yes, I sincerely think that you manage to put together pieces of infos that - at the end ! - convey a "big picture" about Mac's applications quality... Please, continue...

March 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGuy Butterati

A screencast about Kinemac would be helpful. That's the first app I ever went "Huh?" at. Ever.

March 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZach

The most painful show to watch I have ever seen. Chris P. was a pain in the keester. The two young women could have carried the show if he hadn't been continually dragging it off subject. They have a good approach and a good package but the generally un-professional quality of the show degraded the quality of the product, the apps. The Macheist site since the video is a very high quality site and the screencasts are part of what makes it good.

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRichard

Thanks for all the kind words about the MacHeist videos, they certainly seem to have hit the mark!

I may do some more indepth tutorials on some of the apps over the coming months.

There will be an "unofficial reveal show" this week on ScreenCastsOnline where I'll expand a bit about the applications and how I use some of them.

@Zach - Checkout the Kinemac website, there's a great tutorial put together by a friend of mine - Joseph Nilo - and it will get you off to a running start very quickly.

March 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDonMc

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