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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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My deliberations.....

Thanks for the comments on the previous posts. There seems to be a lot of people who "get" the MacBook Air.

In reality, I've not really had that much time to sit down and consider the options in as much detail as I'd like, so I'm not going to make a rash decision and will hold off to see what the summer may bring. I'd like to upgrade to the faster MacBook Air with the SSD but as a couple of people have pointed out, I don't really need to at the minute, and it's not a trivial amount to upgrade, even if I sell the original MacBook Air.

Just a quick comment about the two Mac Pro setup.

I'm currently doing some commissioned work which involves a lot of smaller screencasts than usual. The ScreenCastsOnline production is quite different in that I work in more larger blocks of time on individual tasks, but with this commissioned work, I'm jumping from audio recording, to screen capture, to scripting, to editing, to encoding, etc. all in much smaller blocks of time. To be honest, having two machines connected via a KVM has proved to be a bit of an irritation and has slowed me down a little.

Let's see how I get on, when I get back into full ScreenCastsOnline production mode but there may need to be a rethink!

The two machines for encoding via a virtual cluster is still a tremendous boon though

Reader Comments (2)

I guess in the end you need to also consider what makes best business sense? Add that to your delibertations, cool new tech is the one thing, making a profit is the other ;)

March 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterClaus Wolf

Don I meant to ask you. Did you ever consider getting an Xserve as a second machine rather than another MacPro. Seems like the cost would have actually been less these days??

March 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVictor Cajiao

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