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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Appearance on Mac 20 Questions

I met David Allen (not the GTD David Allen!) when I visited the Podcamp Barcelona last year. David is an ex-pat living in Spain who goes under the Twitter name of @wizardgold.

At the time David had a couple of non mac related podcasts but more recently has launched Mac 20 Questions- a podcast where he interviews Mac users to ask them 20 questions about how they use their Macs. A very simple idea, but one that works surprisingly well.

As David is an active twitter user, many of his guests are people I've also known via twitter (and regular ScreenCastsOnline viewers) and it's been completely refreshing to hear from Mac users who normally don't make regular appearances on podcasts.

The passion and the difference a Mac has made to people, really comes across and makes for fascinating listening, definitely a podcast that would sway any switchers sitting on the fence.

Well the inevitable happened and David invited me on so I'm duty bound to link to that episode - Mac20Q with Don McAllister so feel free to take a listen, but actually, take a listen to some of the other interviews, perhaps with people you don't know or have never heard of.

You won't regret it!

Reader Comments (2)

Thanks Don for the mention.
It was good talking to you and I enjoyed the podcast.

I am just working on the 22nd of the series now. I am editing the interview of @bldngnerd in Amadeus Pro.

March 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Allen


But seems like you've only been going a month. You best watch you don't burn out!

March 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDonMc

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