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iPhone 3.0 OS Event

Well that was a shocker! Mind you, it shouldn't have been. The last big iPhone OS event was in March of 2008. And what a doozy that was. My recollection was that we weren't expecting that much but Apple absolutely nailed it with a whole slew of features to allow developers to take advantage of previously unaccessible bits of the hardware.

You have to wonder if they can come up with a similar range of enhancements to v3.0 of the iPhone OS and SDK, on the understanding that they probably won't be announcing any new versions of the iPhone (yet!), or any release date for the fabled Apple touchscreen 'Netbook"

So what could they include based on the current hardware platform?

Quite a bit probably!

Push notifications seem to have disappeared from view despite being talked about since the middle of last year.

Turn by turn navigation on GPS?

Bluetooth enhancements - Wouldn't it be great to hook up an Apple wireless keyboard ore even wireless syncing with your Mac.

My personal bugbear (?) at the minute and that's the ability to manage your applications from your Mac and by that I mean the arrangement of the apps on the iPhone screens.

I'd also like them to implement some form of text search to find applications. I'm up to several pages now and it's really difficult sometimes to even find an application I don't use that often.

And that's not even looking at any of the enhancements they might have up their collective sleeves for supporting the enterprise, something that figured very heavily in the iPhone 2.0 OS.

So lot's for them to cover but more than likely, most things announced on Tuesday we won't even have considered.

But there could be one tiny thing that would start the bells ringing throughout the land....

Cut & Paste

We shall see!

Reader Comments (6)

Having just recently got my iPhone I was a bit disappointed that there was no support for MMS (Picture Messaging), so that would be a great addition.

Another thing I would like to see, as you have said, is Cut & Paste...

I wait with baited breath

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGareth Jones

Hear! Hear!

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPixeltoy

It is nice post. it post is iPHONE knowledge for me..thanks dude

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSajid Hussain

Apple seriously needs to address some silly shortcomings in v3.0. My personal bugbear is the inability to forward an SMS message, something 99% of even the crappiest supermarket handsets can do.

We also need the ability to run selected 3rd party apps in the background. Being on IRC or some other chat and being thrown off every time you receive a text message for example is pretty terrible (what happened the badge notifications promised for Sept08?).

Mind you there's still nothing that come close to tempting me away, but please Apple, lets have the silly stuff sorted after nearly two years.

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterotto-mate

Well hopefully all the items twittered and blogged about make it, but my biggest niggle need's the 3rd Generation iPhone.

Camera people! Video!

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark Dalton

I love my iPhone, but there are still things I miss that my chubby Palm Treo could do, most of which have already been mentioned: copy & paste, video, wireless synch, etc.

My Treo also had a 3rd party app that let me open and EDIT Word docs. The Palm Notepad app was (is?) a very snappy "ubiquitous capture" tool for hand written notes, without the hassle of saving them to a photo folder. The iPhone apps that come close are clunky "drawing" apps.

Biggest wish would be for a much better camera. 5mp minimum. It could even be cool to offer an iPhone (or iPod Touch) that trades off other features for serious photo & video capabilities. A serious digital camera, a flash, and HD video (like the Flip cameras) for those folks who are documenting life on the go.

March 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike McPhaden

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