First Compressor Job!

So here we are after less than a week of fiddling to get the two Mac Pros running nicely together. This is a screenshot of MacPro-01 and MacPro-02 running the first encoding job as a virtual cluster. You can click on the icon to see the full size image.
On the right is MacPro-02, I submitted a batch of screenflow exported movies to compressor to convert them to AIC format, prior to editing. Mac-Pro-02 has passed some of the encoding job across to MacPro-01 automatically. The image is the CPU monitors in iStat menus showing all 16 cores kicking in and blasting through the encoding process.
The encoding jobs are raw files for this weeks show all about the new setup.
Damm - it's finished, I'd better get on with editing!

Reader Comments (3)
So I take it you're pleased with your purchase? Congrats Don!
I've done something similar with a Virtual Cluster (although on one MacPro Octo) a while back, it's impressive isn't it. I wrote a little article about it on my website :
I do have one question for you though. In your setup, you need 2 licences of FCS right ? One on each machine ? Or can you achieve the same thing with just one FCS installation ?
I answered via Twitter but just for completeness, you only need a single copy of FCS. Compressor contains an agent which has a license to install on any number of Macs so there are no limits.