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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Day three of my attempt to write a blog post everyday for 30 days. The selection of the topic for todays post is a no-brainer!

If you're not a regular Twitter user, you might not know about some fantastic news that I posted yesterday. The news was that ScreenCastsOnline is now included on the official Apple iWork Resource page at the Apple website - Link

I'm absolutely thrilled as you might imagine. I should point out that Apple specifically state that:

Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and represents neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

but still, it's a fantastic achievement to get linked to this way and I'm really grateful to Apple for the visibility.

Following my tweet with the news, I received lots of congratulatory replies, many to many to reply to individually but can I just say again, thanks! As well as the congratulations, I also received quite a few questions surrounding the news so rather than reply individually, I've summarised the answers to the most common comments and questions here:

Did you know in advance about the inclusion on the resources page?
Yes, I heard about it a few weeks ago, and designed a special landing page especially for the link. The landing page focuses on primarily the iWork and iLife tutorials I've done, so people coming from the Apple site can see those tutorials relating to Apple software.

I have to admit to being fairly secretive about the link in advance, preferring to wait until it actually appeared before mentioning it - well, you never know!

I guess we can expect an increase on our subscription rates now ;-)
No of course not, well not straight away

Do you get any schwag? Any hardware? Any discounts?
No, I'm just happy to have a link on the site!

Did you do the whole enchilada for iWork?
The Apple tutorials actually on the Apple site were done by Apple themselves, the link to my site takes you to the independent content I created.

This must feel like being knighted!
Don't know about that but I'm still on a high almost 24 hours later!

So anyhow, thanks again for all the tweets and sorry for not replying to them individually. If you want to follow me on Twitter, you can find me on as DonMcAllister

Reader Comments (9)


Congratulations! Keep up all the good work.


February 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Lachman

Hi Don ! That is great ! The ScreenCastsOnline is amazing !

Congratulations !

São Paulo, Brazil

February 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLeoNogueira

Congratulations Don and well deserved. I can't even begin to measure the 'added value' your screenscastsonline have made to my Mac experience.

February 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRon Bailey

Somehow missed this bit if news. Well done Mister !

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOli from the-iBlog

Ignore the typo in my last response, bloody iPhone !

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOli from the-iBlog

Congratulations Don,

As I mentioned on twitter, a well deserved reward for all the effort and hard work you put into those tutorials.

Best Regards,


March 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStefaan Lesage

Congratulations Don! This is so deserved. I wish you all success with SCO. I put in a word for you at the iTunes Podcast Store (?) the other day. Hope that's OK. I look forward to your shows even if I am a little behind. I can't keep up with your pace, but that doesn't matter, as I have always access.
Best regards

Guttorm Kittelsen

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGuttorm Kittelsen

Way to go, Don! Good stuff. Glad Apple's paying attention to your contribution.

March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWayne


Outstanding news, and well-deserved!


March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRoger

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