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Pastebot - A brilliantly executed iPhone App

It's not often I do a product recommendation in the blog (even if it is a little quiet on the Apple front) but I just had to let you know about a new iPhone app I've just downloaded and installed - Pastebot (£1.19)

Beautifully designed and extremely useful, it gives you a copy and paste buffer on the iPhone (or iPod touch). You know when an application just feels right and is a pleasure to use, well this is one of them!

The really useful part is that the developer has also created a free Mac application (PasteBot Sync) which allows you to seamlessly sync your clipboard buffer bidirectionally with your iPhone and a number of Macs. It will only sync with one Mac at a time but you can configure multiples and switch between them in the app. Actually, it doesn't "allow you", it just does it, in the background.

Very nicely done and well recommended!

Reader Comments (3)

I always hoped that TextExpander would do this. Or that PasteBot would synch automatically with TextExpander.

That would make it even nicer.

December 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDirk

It would have been nice if it automatically copied to the program. Now you have to remember to run the program after you've copied something, and then paste it in (or it does that automatically). In other words, "just another" notepad program, similar to Shovebox, that also syncs back to your Mac.

We of course all know why it is like this. Getting tired of the limitations.

December 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMarek

Couldn't agree more, Don. Downloaded the app after the article in Macworld was published and was amazed at how brilliant it is. Now has a place on my home screen, because I can really see getting a lot of use out of it. Integration with Mac is absolutely flawless. I absolutely love this app, and the fact that innovation is still possible 100,000 apps into this platform!!

To the previous poster, I agree some form of integration with TextExpander would be nice. Would be great to be able to send TextExpander compositions to Pastebot, for example. I've been harassing all developers of my favorite apps to get on board with TextExpander integration. We need it!!

December 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSterling Zumbrunn

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