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Magic Mouse Musings...

Typical, I start off my new daily bog posting regime and state that I'm not going to do long essays and look what happens!

So I'll keep this one brief.

I used to be a big fan of the Mighty Mouse, except for the constant jamming up of the ball and those ridiculous buttons on the side. What a strange place to put buttons? I switched them off after a days use. However, after seeing rave reviews for the Logitech MX Revolution mouse, I decided to jump ship and go with a non Apple mouse.

I've been using the Logitech MX Revolution for quite a while and I've been very pleased with it. It's sculptured to fit the hand, has a brilliant "weighted" scroll wheel and is bristling with buttons. I particularly liked the scroll wheel as it enabled you to move quickly through a long document just by spinning the wheel. It also has a tilt function which I used extensively when scrolling horizontal timelines, especially in Final Cut Pro. Even so, although the tilting scroll wheel my extremely useful, it was the most awkward part of the MX in use, as it seemed to require a considerable amount of effort.  Confession time - I hardly used any of the buttons. I set them up several times and each time I'f forget what I'd set up. I did use the middle mouse button occasionally when I remembered I'd setup up Deja Menu.

Even without taking advantage of all the buttons, I was pretty happy with the MX, probably my best mouse to date.

Then along came the Magic Mouse with it's sleek lines and multitouch. As a service to my viewers and readers, I was duty bound to get one!

After reading about its capabilities, I was a little concerned at how well I'd be able to get by without the "weighted" scroll wheel and the much needed tilt function. The absence of extra buttons wasn't really a deal breaker for me as you might imagine.

As soon as the new iMacs were available, I nipped into my local Apple store and tried one out.


The scrolling via touch is effortless and very smooth. What's even better, is that you can set up scrolling with momentum that mimics exactly the behaviour of the "weighted" scroll wheel of my MX. It's almost like Apple went out and examined the features of the best mouse on the market and emulated it via multitouch :-)

Both vertical and horizontal scrolling are supported, in fact full 360 scrolling is available.

Unfortunately, the Magic Mouse was not on sale at this time but as soon as it was, I returned and bought one. The acid test was using it with Final Cut Pro and how well it enabled scrolling when navigating the horizontal timeline.

Well, I have to say, it works a treat!

Much, much better than horizontal scrolling with the MX. The timeline flies left and right with a feather touch on the surface of the Magic Mouse. Superb! After a weeks use, there is no danger of me returning to the MX

Some other points of note:

  • The two finger swipe works but I don't really use it that much, don't really need it.
  • Scrolling can be one or two finger - useful if your swapping between a laptop and desktop.
  • The travel and noise of the mouse click buttons is a bit excessive at first but you soon get used to it.
  • The absence of extra buttons really hasn't been a problem for me. I use a combination of the new Expose in the Dock feature of Snow Leopard a lot and have just set up some hot corners. No big deal.
  • The low profile of the mouse seems to match the Alu keyboard exceptionally well. I was a bit concerned about the low profile of the mouse after the sculptured feel of the MX but in use it's been fine.
  • Seen a few posts about battery life. After full week of constant use - baring in mind I'm a heavy full time Mac user - my mouse is showing 79% battery life.

On reflection, the Magic Mouse has been a pleasure to use. I'm still in awe of just how well the touch surface feels and operates. 

Well recommended!

PS OK, so I'll keep the next blog post brief...sheesh!

Reader Comments (6)

Morning Don !

I have to agree with you pretty much 100%. I've seen a few people complaining about the mouse being so low to the desk, but it suits me perfectly. I've never been one for resting my whole palm on a mouse, and prefer to rest on the desk and move my wrist. This does create a problem though....

The tracking is absolutely woeful. This is the first time I've used an Apple branded rodent and I'm told it's how they are. I find myself moving it, lifting it, and moving it again in order to reach the corners of my 24in Dell. The issue is clearly down to the forced update you download at initial setup, as before that it was OK. At least this means it can be fixed in a future update ! Until then, I'm using MouseZoom to speed it up a tad.

Sorry for the long comment !

November 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOliver Haslam

Hi Don, Just to say thank you for the review. What a great service you are to buy the latest and review them before we take the plunge ourselves. ;-)

November 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPierre Belance

I know Pierre, all part of the service!

It's a hard life but someone has to make these sacrifices ;-)

November 5, 2009 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

Oliver. I have the tracking on my mouse set to fast and it just about copes with my 30" Dell. I also have a SteerMouse driver loaded so I'm not sure if this is helping or not.

Good point though

November 5, 2009 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

Great review and you echo my thoughts after I too popped into the Apple store at Bluewater and tried out the mouse. I love it! I especially like the weight to it as it feels more connected to the surface that you are using for it and gives a very positive and confident 'feel' that a mouse should have!

November 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Hearn

Still on the fence, Don, but thanks for the excellent review

November 5, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbob bellenghi

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