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Who says we don't complain...

Following on from a comment on yesterdays post:

Don your issue is quite serious when you consider the money you have paid out, why is it that 'Mac heads' never complain but just make a lame excuse when Apple fail miserably with their customer service?

It got me thinking!

I was just going to wander in and just mention to the instore staff my problems - no big deal! 

But as the commenter says, it's quite a serious matter when a customer facing system craps out, especially when you've paid good money for it.

So I emailed Apple this morning to tell them of my problems and hopefully get the ProCare system up and running again.  I checked again this morning and both systems that I tried yesterday were still not working.

Will let you know how I get on.

Reader Comments (4)

It's a good question why many of us (not all) don't complain too much and I think there's a good answer. For many of us, certainly for me, it's because the overall experience of owning a Mac is such a significantly positive experience that the frustrations are largely kept in context. There definately are frustrations. But generally speaking OS X is a pleasure to use, Apple hardware is stylish, even lustworthy, it performs well and is fit for purpose. Apple software is simple to use and well designed.

It's like a relationship, you don't walk out on your wife or sell your kids because you have a spat even if you are REALLY ANNOYED at the moment. And you don't forget the spats but you accept them in the larger favourable context. Personally I don't think most of the 10s of millions of people who use a Mac are fanboys, just generally satisfied customers.

November 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEric

Bravo Don, I hope your issue is resolved but I also hope that Apple will listen to your feedback. Your voice is much 'louder' than mine of course so it is a positive thing that you can experience the down side of Apple and hopefully get them to address such poor performing issues/customer service levels.

I wish these things were not a problem and that I could really experience the 'great stuff' Apple are supposed to offer, I really do. But my experience shows me otherwise.

As I mentioned before, there is a lot about the Mac I love, iLife is very cool and stands way above any other software out there and the design of the iMac is very cool too, along with photoshop working much better on the Mac, I want to be a 'Mac head' myself, but have to refrain from getting too excited about Apple.

You see, I recommend the iMac to a friend earlier this year, as he was going to buy a new PC. He liked what he saw when I showed him my iMac. So he went and purchased a new iMac. Sadly he too experienced similar problems in the first months of owning his shiny new iMac and we were both surprised as I thought I was truly on my own in terms of the negative things that had happened to me when I first purchased my iMac.

You see the thing that really frustrates me and I know it can be said that I am being silly, is those darn Mac/PC commercials Apple so blatantly promote on their website and occasionally on television. I really think they are in breach of the advertising rules as what they claim about Windows being such a problem is actually reflected in THEIR own computers as well.

Anyway, I am not trying to be pain in the butt, I just feel that these things need to be brought to the surface.

I want to love Apple but they keep letting me down.

November 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Hearn

So how are you getting on Don?

November 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Hearn

See todays post for an update!

ProCare Update

November 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

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