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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Touchy, Feely...

Well, that didn't take long!

Following on from the suggestion from yesterday for the Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch tablet, I did some research and watched the videos on the Wacom site 

The Wacom tablets seem ideal for my needs and the inclusion of the Touch gestures sealed the deal. I've ordered a Wacom Bamboo Fun Medium from Amazon. This has a slightly larger screen to cope with my large monitor setup. 

I realised that I really like the touch aspects of the Magic Mouse but they are very limited. I think I even tweeted that I wished I could use the top of the mouse as a proper trackpad. So the touch based tablet seems to make a lot of sense.

In order to make some room on my desk, I'll probably swap out the large Apple keyboard with the numeric keypad, and replace it with one of the smaller keyboards, the just position the Wacom next to it on the left, with my Contour Shuttle on the right hand side for video editing.

Will report back once and post some pictures once I've given the device a run through its paces. It should arrive later today - Amazon Prime FTW yet again.


Reader Comments (6)

I have a Bamboo Fun small tablet and its excellent, but if you find out how to constrain the tablet surface to just one screen in a multi-monitor setup do post it here!

November 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTenex

Why on earth did I subscribe to SCO and this blog? All your ideas and recommendations will cost me a lot of money ;-)

Can't wait for your report...

November 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMarkus

Sorry Markus, you love it really!

November 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

Don, welcome to the 'Wacom club' ...! You will really enjoy using the bamboo. As I mentioned before, I use the Wacom Intuos3 A4 tablet, a large tablet but important for my cartoon & caricature work. I even find using the tablet and pen to control my cursor a breeze and when working in photoshop, hardly ever touch my mouse. The way I have it set up is to have my tablet in front of me and my wireless apple keyboard off the the left side for when I need the occasional keys commands and typing. Wacom products are not only amazing but very well built and have never let me down in the 10 years I have been using them. If only Apple would learn a thing or two about production quality from Wacom, then they would really 'kick ass'..!

November 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Hearn

really bundled with PSE 6?

November 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercooper's dad

I just put the small Wacom Pen & Touch in my Amazon shopping cart because I've decided to return my Magic Mouse. I'm looking forward to reading your review, it will help me to decide whether I hit the buy button or not.

Victor Cajiao mentioned recently that it came bundled with Photoshop Elements, great bonus I thought.

Thanks Don.

November 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnn

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