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Back to business...

Just arrived back home from Blogworld.

Great event and I'll blog some more about it when I'm firing on all cylinders and over the jet lag.

One thing that caught my eye is this post by Business Week:

Copyright BusinessWeek - Click on the image to see the original article

Oh yes, it's the Apple earnings call later today and as ever, good financial results are anticipated.

Microsoft are launching Windows 7 in a couple of days time on the 22nd October.

It's Tuesday tomorrow, two days before the launch and the usual day that Apple release new products. What if tomorrow, Apple launch a new range of iMacs (or similar) at a cost conscious reduced price?

If you had the choice of buying a new PC with Windows 7 or a new Mac at a reasonable cost, which would you do? OK, so if you're reading this blog, chances are you're already a Mac user....

I wonder if Apple have something special in the wings ready to release once the quarterly earnings call is done, something that could impact Microsofts big day?

We'll soon find out! 

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