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Macworld 2009 - Keynote Day

Another packed day at Macworld and I was up a bit too early due to jet lag. I'd already decided to leave it a bit later to join the line for the Keynote so 3am didn't really fit in with my plans!

At a more reasonable 6:30am I wandered over to take my place and was struck immediately by how much smaller the line was from the same time last year - only to be expected I suppose.

A fairly uneventful Keynote with Phil Schiller doing a great job (the guy must have been under so much pressure) but I have to say the iPhoto and iMovie updates look incredible. A minor slip at the end of the Keynote announcing this was the last Macworld did make me wince somewhat but I'm sure it was just a slip of tongue and he really meant the last time Apple would be at Macworld.

Skipped heading straight to the show floor and did some catch emails and stuff before heading out for a lunch.

Hit the show floor in the afternoon but only covered a third of it if that. Damm the place is huge!

Then off to do the Live Mac Weekly Podcast taping in front of a live audience. Wasn't really sure what the format would be as I knew space was limited and there were several guests but much to my delightand suprise, Leo invited me up onto the main stage and take part in the main panel.


I escaped with my life and think I did OK :-)

Hit the show floor again and back to the Hotel room for more email catchup and twittering. One problem for me is that the wifi and even the 3G at Macworld has been flakey and I've not really been able to stay online much. I've now got my Media badge so should be able to access the better wifi in the Press room from now on.

The day was rounded off by a trip to the House of Prime Rib with Leo and the rest of the TWIT family where I indulged in a massive steak, some great red wine and extremely pleasant company! A great way to finish off another Macworld day!

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