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Macworld 2009 Itinerary

Well it's fast approaching so I thought I'd best post my itinerary for Macworld 2009.

Arriving in SF and meeting up with Chuck Joiner and some of the other Mac Level Ten Peeps for Dinner
Off to visit the Apple Store at the Mothership with the Your Mac Life Peeps
Evening: Smile On My Mac Party
4:00: Queuing for the keynote - well you have to don't you!
9:00: Apple Keynote
12:00 noon: Participating in Live MacBreak Weekly with Leo from the Expo Show Floor
13:00: Checking out the show floor
Evening: House of Prime Rib - Yum!
9:00: David Pogues Keynote
16:00: Live MacRoundtable Recording
18:30: Podcaster Meetup - BOF Session
Evening: Cirque Du Mac Party
09:00: Leo Laportes Keynote
14:00: Smile On My Mac Booth - Mac Switcher Bundle Demos
19:00: MacMingle
21:00: Your Mac Life Party
Podcasters Market Symposium (To be confirmed)

So as you can see, a pretty busy week all in all!

If you are at Macworld and do bump into me, please stop and say hello, I'd really appreciate the opportunity to say thanks for all the support over the past 12 months.

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