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Lets Rock Event

iPhone Savior_ First Look At _Let_s Rock_ Banner from Yerba Buena Center.pngI haven't really commented on this as it looked a pretty safe bet that it's just an iPod event with possibly some iPhone updates.

I'd been thinking however that it's very unlike Apple to do a safe, predictable event and wondered if there was more to it than that? The smaller low key events are usually held in the Apple Campus town hall and this one is being held at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, which apparently is a much bigger venue and consequently, a much bigger deal!

Now the banners are going up at the venue (early?) and they include a g=humongous multistory banner as shown in the graphic (courtesy of Andrew Mager via iPhone Saviour)

Add in another bit of speculation that Arnold over at Macrumors posted ie
We've heard a few more reports of Apple telling reporters that this event will be a "big deal" and urging them to come. While it's hard to read too much into this sort of hype, it does not appear to be typical practice for Apple
Hmm, this is starting to feel like a much more significant event.

We'll soon find out, but I hoping Apple knock the ball out of the park again with this one!

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