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Microsoft! Get A Grip!

So you've probably heard by now that M$ have dropped the badly received Gates/Seinfeld commercials after only two episodes. Whether this was planned or they pulled them is any ones guess, either way, they are now onto the second phase of the $300M marketing campaign.

Next phase is a direct rebuttal of Apples "I'm a PC, I'm a Mac" Ads

The only problem is that they've completely missed the point of the Apple ads:

"I'm a PC" in the Apple ads is not a person!

The John Hodgman character is the embodiment of the PC, the actual computer. He is not a stereotype of a PC user, he's the actual computer!!

People in the Microsoft ads, you are not computers!

When will Microsoft ever learn?

As a mac user, my overwhelming feeling after watching the latest ad is one of sadness. I know it probably comes across as the comments of a "mac fanboy" stereotype, but I really feel sorry for these people being shackled by the fact that they don't use a mac.

Honestly guys, give it a try!

How the ads are perceived by Windows users I don't know. They are almost certainly going to be received better than the Gates/Seinfeld ads but I'm not sure what the message they are trying to get across is. Microsoft really needs to pull something out of the bag to rescue Vista unless they've given up hope and and starting to prepare for the next version - Windows 7.

And really, "I'm a PC and I sell fish!"

What were they thinking.

Reader Comments (2)

Touché! From one Apple fanboy to another. it does seem that Microsoft is always one step behind, doesn't it?

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoe Lozano

I haven't even bothered to watch any of the phase 2 ads, surely Windows users are smarter that Microsoft and do get the fact that that John Hodgman is a computer and not a person, but if not...

September 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNeil Christie

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