Blatant Commercial Plug

But the site seems to be getting popular and ScreenCastsOnline is getting a much higher visibility these days as more and more screencasts are produced (and I seem to be popping up on more podcasts).
So I decided to bite the bullet and put together a simple scheme to sell advertising space on the ScreenCastsOnline website. I have too say another reason was that I had my end of month accounts planned for today but when another enquiry came in, it was all the reason I needed to distract myself for a couple of hours.
Now I don't want columns and columns of tacky ads down the sidebar, plus I want to keep the slots fairly exclusive so I've decided to create space for a single 125x125 ad, quite high up on the sidebar. This single space will be populated by a maximum of 4 ads, randomly chosen and displayed when the page is accessed or refreshed. This should keep things from becoming stale.
What looks like quite a simple task (to insert the rotating images and links in a styled text sidebar in Rapidweaver) could have been quite complex if I had to try and port some Javscript into the sidebar. This isn't always guaranteed to work within a styled text sidebar. So I used a Blocks page to host the HTML snippet (Random Image) and then used the @import function of the newly discovered (by me at least) PlusKit plugin.
OK, so it sounds complicated but it really wasn't!
So if any indie Mac developers (or anyone else in the Mac community for that matter) wants to support ScreenCastsOnline by booking an Ad slot, checkout the new page for details.
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