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Apple TV Take 3 - The True Apple TV

Seeing a lot of posts about the further integration of Internet Services into TVs recently. As I type this, I'm seeing live tweets from Scoble (at Berlins IFA consumer electronics show) on the launch of TVs from Panasonic which will have the ability to access YouTube and other IP services.

I saw a Video a few days ago from Intel with another huge flat screen TV with access to flickr, twitter and a whole slew of other internet services.

So where is Apple in all this?

Well they have Apple TV now in its second revision and they have a great TV platform. Although touted as a hobby by Apple, they've obviously seen the huge potential of being in the living room and acting as the digital hub for all your entertainment needs.

So what's next?

Well a few years ago, speculation was rife before the existing Apple TV set top box was launched, that Apple were going to launch their own branded flat panel TV. Although many scoffed at the idea, it probably was just a rumour ahead of its time. Apple are no longer a computer company and are now a consumer electronics company. So next to computers, music players and mobile phones, what is another huge segment of consumer electronics? They've tested the water with Apple TV take 1 and 2 and probably learnt an enormous amount on how to deliver a great TV experience.

They have a superb platform of both desktop and mobile devices crying out for integration with a central entertainment hub. The ever so quiet introduction of the Apple remote application on the iPhone and iPod touch just demonstrate how well Apple "get it" and can deliver an outstanding user experience.

I think the time will be right within the next 6 months for Apple TV take 3.

But this time, it won't be a set top box!

I just have a gut feeling that Apple are about to do to the TV industry what they have done to the computer, MP3 and mobile phone industry and launch a new class of Apple device.

The true Apple TV

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Reader Comments (5)

Hey don. When i bought the apple tv when it first came out i was very let down by a lot of the features of it but the second firmware/software update made it quite useful. I'm still not totally sold on it and find the navigation system still clunky. I would love to see a nintendo wimote hack for it! :)

I've got an idea about how apple could really make the thing take off in terms of the ui interface and make subscribing to things a lot more easier. I can feel a videoblog coming on!

Anyway, great post!

August 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPhil

If Apple did go into TV manufacturing I'd hope they would still produce a set-top box version. Many people already have an HD TV and would begrudge paying nearly several hundred pounds for the extra Apple content.

Set-top boxes provide a lower barrier to entry and allow more people to 'get on board'.

Interesting idea though!

August 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMartinSFP

I don't know about a separate TV, so many people already have TVs and knowing Apple's record on price, I think people would be less likely to buy an Apple branded TV that was quite a bit more expensive than other name brands just to get Apple TV built in features. I think the Apple TV needs to remain a separate box.

Though I would like to see a few additions in "Take 3:
- TiVo - Apple, just go ahead and buy TiVo.
- Pairing with Apple's Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard
- Safari

August 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

Hmm, Don't know much about the numbers on the penetration on HDTVs. My only thought is that if people have gone down the HDTV route, early adopters will most likely have gone with HD Ready i.e. support for 720p but not 1080p.

Still think there is a huge market for HDTVs

Have to agree with you on pricing though, there's no way Apple could take their usual pricing approach, they'd have to be price competitive with Sony, Panasonic et al.

Time will tell!

August 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDonMc

Hi Don,

Interesting idea here, and I could very well see Apple producing a HDTV which offers all the features the AppleTV has.

On a second note, I don't know about the market for HDTV's. Here in Belgium I have the impression that people don't really care. They will get a HDTV if their old TV is broken beyond reparation, but they don't seem to replace their existing TV yet.

Further more, here in Belgium, it doens't really make all that much sense to buy a HDTV (especially a 1080p), because there is almost no content yet (except for Blue Ray). The only HD content we can get from TV stations is paid content, and IMHO they charge too much for that.

Anyway, I really like the idea about Apple making a true AppleTV. I think I would even buy myself one :-)



September 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStefaan Lesage

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