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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Transatlantic iChat

The MacPower MUG, all the way over in Pennsylvania, have kindly invited me to join in with their monthly MUG get together tonight!

I've done plenty of pre-recorded podcasts in my time, along with a live podcast over on Victors Typical Mac Podcast on Talkshoe, but never a live Video iChat before - especially not to a group of people.

It will seem pretty weird beaming my mug to their MUG at such an ungodly hour - well, it's only going to be 12:30am over here but a much more reasonable 7:30pm over there.

They had a similar event last month with Joe Kissell beaming in from Paris, France so I'm in good company.

So I'll have a shave and put my best shirt on, but I may be in my PJs from the waist down!

Reader Comments (1)

You'll love it !

May 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGazmaz

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