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Why Are Apple Getting Battered By the Analysts?

Disclaimer: I no nothing of the workings of the Stock Market.

That said, I'm amazed at the amount of negativity and spin being heaped on Apple by the Analysts which in turn is depressing Apples stock price to the point of incredulity?

Most of the reasons for these attacks seems to be nervousness about the iPod and iPhone sales figures.

Don't these highly paid guys get it?

The iPhone will canabalise iPod Sales - Duh! Yeah! I'm sure Apple are petrified that Apple will take away it's market leading position.

iPod sales are slowing down - Apple are positioning the iPod Touch and the iPhone as a brand new mobile internet platform. They've seen the potential for saturation of the existing music player marketplace and are engineering a whole new class of device as only Apple can. Have you seen the latest iPod touch commercial?

What's that - about 5% of the commercial shows the music/movie capabilities of the device. Yes, it's a play by Apple to move current iPod owners into a whole new experience.

No 3G iPhone - wah! - OK, so no 3G iphone yet but it's in the works and has been confirmed as being available in 2008. One less thing for the detractors to moan about.

No support for the Enterprise User - I've seen plenty of examples of the iPhone being used in business. Let's see what happens once the SDK and Enterprise features are announced on Thursday.

Future Growth of the iPhone - Apple have been very careful and calculated on how they've rolled out new features to the iPhone to the point where they've readied the platform (along with the iPod touch) for an explosion of third party apps. The sheer number of amazing web based services tailored specifically for the iPhone give just a glimpse of the potential of these devices. The amazing metrics being touted of how the existing iPhones are utilising Internet traffic and internet searches at up to 50 times more than existing mobile phones even after less that 12 months launch just indicates to me the potency of the device as an internet communicator.

Once the SDK is made available and developers can start creating third party applications for personal and business use, the current desirability of the iPhone should expand dramatically.

The iPhone Range - The current sales of the iPhone are based on what is essentially a single model albeit with two RAM configurations. Will Apple keep a single model? Of course not, just as now you have an iPod at virtually every price point:

  • iPod Shuffle
  • iPod Nano
  • iPod Classic
  • iPod Touch

this has taken several years to get to this point. Apple will eventually do exactly the same with the iPhone, bringing out a range of phones at specific price points with increasing functionality and features.

But that's just the phone!

The Mac is going from strength to strength and acknowledged as the premium personal computer with the leading Operating System.

They have a range of laptops acknowledged as leaders in design and performance, heck, they even run Windows.

They have a host of leading software applications from home based to professional level applications.

And now they have Apple TV Take 2 with a route into peoples living rooms with video on demand, Movie & TV rentals and access to a whole host of online services.

Plus they are the second biggest online music retailer in the US.

And yet they still get panned by the Analysts - I just don't get it?

Reader Comments (6)

It's because you care about Apple Don and you don't like to see the negative stuff, I can assure you I've seen the other high tech Co's getting a slating as well, it's just that nobody cares about them like Apple fans care about Apple.........:-) Didn't think I'd be saying that because a year ago I made sure that I didn't use iTunes on my Windows PC as it used to eat all my resources and I thought Apple was a rubbish company, then I got an iPod and the world changed!

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGazmaz

Right on! It seems like another case of build up the person/company, only to then knock them down. In the IT world it seems astronomic growth leads to the expectation that it must continue. Any dip is seen as being an indication that the good times are coming to an end. Apple knew iPod growth would plateau - that's why they don't just have the iPod as a revenue stream.

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermabsey

It's not so much I don't like to see the negative stuff, it's just I don't understand how it can be so with so much obvious contradictory evidence?

Yeah, I know it's not just about Apple and the whole financial system seems borked but it still frustrates the hell out of me :-)

March 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDon

I think my point (made rather badly) is as we care we pick up the negative (ie contrary news) whereas we don't hear the contrary news about other companies because we don't care (as much) about those companies.
Lies Lies and statistics I think is the famous quote!
I should know about that one being a pricing analyst I see management always turning round figures to say exactly what they want them to say.
Financial analysts are likely doing the same, gives them cover!
Yes I'll duck the bullets now ! :-)

Don't be frustrated, just don't listen lolz..

March 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGazmaz

I don't think you should get frustrated. Passion will always blind our reason. I think we all should take this opportunity to buy some stocks in Apple.

March 5, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermaya

Jealousy on a financial level is huge, Apple's success story will create allot of anti strong feeling and that's just part of it. THEY ( the opposition ) would love to flood us with criticism so that there is no time left to continue in the work started...

So it's not always constructive to reply to every fabricated lies THEY throw at us. That would be falling in the trap.

So lets push on, Keep Going Don, we are all with you.

March 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPierre Belance

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