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The Next Big Thing.....

Remember the Million Dollar Homepage?

A very simple idea where an enterprising 21 year old entrepreneur sold 1 million pixels of ad space on a single page for $1 per pixel.

What a brilliant idea!

The whole thing went viral and the guy made a fortune.

Well I wonder if this is the next big thing?

Two enterprising Masters Students from Northern Ireland (Paddy and Lee) have launched a site called "The Big Word Project" and it's another simple yet brilliant idea.

Basically, you can buy any word in the Oxford English Dictionary for $1 per letter. Once you've bought it, you can link the word from The Big Word project site to your own site.

And that's it!

Absolutely bloody brilliant.

I don't think it's any co-incidence that one of the guys is researching into Viral Marketing for his masters.

It's only been up for a couple of days but a link from Gruber has brought them loads of traffic and at the time of writing, 1419 words have been purchased. Let's say an average of 6 letters per word, that's 6 * 1419 = $8514 in just 2 days. There are over 500,000 words in the OED

Some big names have bought up some words such as:

OK - I inserted that last one myself but hey, I bought the word (and a few others - see if you can guess)

My only regret about the whole thing is that I didn't think of it myself!

Good luck guys, this could make you some serious money!

Reader Comments (1)

Something similar to Million Dollar Homepage is" rel="nofollow">, which was made by Cali Lewis to support charity and" rel="nofollow">The Big Trip.

February 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

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