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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Another Internet Success Story...

Just listened to this weeks TWIT "This Week in Technology", one of my usual weekly podcast fixes. It's an interesting mix of views and opinions of the weeks technology news.

This week is slightly different in that it has Jonathan Coulton on the panel. Jonathan is an independent musician who basically uses the Internet as his record label and makes a decent living servicing a niche market.

What makes this episode particularly interesting to me is the direct parallel that creating and consequently making a living fromScreenCastsOnline has with Jonathans experiences with developing his own business model as an Internet based musician.

Other than the live performance aspect, you could literally have replaced his experiences and thoughts with mine. Add in some insightful comments by the ever excellent Merlin Mann and you have what is an extremely interesting and thought provoking discussion around how to successfully build an Internet based business to a niche market.

I'd strongly suggest giving the show a listen (you might want to skip to around 23:00 into the show to get to the good stuff)

This Week in Technology - Episode 133

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