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So will the iPhone SDK be late?.....

Google Image Result for http___gizmodo.com_assets_resources_2007_06_nosdksucks.jpg.pngProbably!

Still no official word from Apple at the time of writing this post, but it seems pretty late in the month to arrange a launch and the rumour mills are in full tilt.

My own theory.....

The iPhone SDK is ready and waiting to go!

I find it highly unlikely that they would still be working on finalising the SDK at this late stage. What's more likely is that there are delays in either:

  • Finishing or testing major 3rd Party (or Apple) iPhone apps due to be launched in conjunction with the SDK
  • Getting the infrastructure in place to sell the iPhone apps via iTunes. This is most likely needed on launch date
  • Finalising the new version of iTunes to include iPhone App support
  • Updates to iLife or iWork Apps that may just be re-worked to include integration with the new iPhone SDK

As usual, Apple are trailblazing new technologies and you have to consider that waht we see as the final result is really just the tip of the iceberg of some pretty herculean feats of logistics and planning.

Yes, I know the Apple TV was delayed and yes, even Leopard was delayed but you can guarantee that if the iPhone SDK is pushed back by a few weeks, it will be launched on the revised date.

So let's cut Apple some slack and let them push out the SDK and the supporting infrastructure when it's ready.

You know it will be worth waiting for!

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