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Content is king and why 2008 is the year of HD......

Further to my last post on the Apple TV, I thought I'd best explain the comment I made..
After only spending a hour in front of the Apple TV Take 2 it made me re-assess my own content and make a major strategic change in my approach, but perhaps I'll leave that for another post!

So this is that other post!

I have to admit that I was pretty blown away by the potential sea change brought about by the Apple TV Take 2. Podcasts simply become additional "on demand" services that can be viewed simply by clicking on a few buttons and watching the content streamed effortlessly into your living room.

What I quickly realised was that my current "free" versions of the ScreenCastsOnline tutorials, were not really optimised to take advantage of the benefits that this great new platform could offer.

Some history first......
Basically, I've been using the availability of HD content of the tutorials I produce as a differentiator between the free service I offer and the paid membership service or ScreenCastsOnline Extra!. For those that don't know, I make my living as a full time podcaster and I'm reliant on providing a premium service to earn the money to pay the bills.

Initially, I decided that HD content was a big plus for members and used that as a primary element with which to "entice" people across to the paid membership scheme. I've been producing HD content for 18 months and the bulk of the back catalogue (over 140+ tutorials) has always been available in HD format (1280x720). The split between the free and premium content was initially 3:1 i.e. 3 free shows in low resolution each month and 1 member only show, but the member only shows were all in HD.

After various conversations and surveys, it became apparent that the HD format was not the primary reason that people signed up as members, the primary reason was to get the additional premium content. Yes, they enjoyed the HD format and it made the show so much easier and clearer to watch but it wasn't the deciding factor. So a few months ago, I change the ratio of free to premium to 1:1 i.e. alternate free and member only shows each week, but again, the free content was only in low resolution but members get everything in HD.

So now the dilemma is that the low resolution free content looks awful on the Apple TV.

If you have an Apple TV, you have a HDTV, period. Apple have restricted the use of the Apple TV to only work on HDTVs and have now released iTunes Movies in HD and are actively promoting HD podcasts, both on the iTunes store (via the Apple TV) and even by Steve Jobs himself in this years keynote.

2008 is the year of HD!

SCO_Logo_144x144HD-1.pngThe resolution to my dilemma is simple....from this week, I'm releasing all new free content in HD and re-branding the show as ScreenCastsOnline HD. I've also released the past few free shows and Trailers for 2008 in HD also. So now if your a current subscriber to my free feed, you'll receive HD content as standard every week. If you really want iPod or iPhone compatible versions, I've created a new free feed to get the iPod/iphone version.

So will this major change impact the current ScreenCastsOnline Extra! members or stop new members signing up? I don't think (hope!) so:

  • Extra! Members still get twice as many full shows than the free content
  • Extra! Members still get access to all the previous shows in HD, the free HD content is only from 2008 onwards.
  • Extra! Members also get access to:

    • special full resolution HD version (the free HD version has built in overscan bars to guarantee that they will display correctly on HDTVs with overscan)
    • a HD overscan version (from Jan 2008)
    • a 960x540 version of every show
    • plus an ipod/iphone version of every show

But just in case Extra! members do feel a little bit disadvantaged by the free content being in HD, I'm also introducing a special extended version of each free show especially for Extra! members. So in fact, there will be premium content every week either as full shows or extended versions of shows - Phew!

Plus, I'm hoping that when everyone sees the show in HD, they may even be persuaded to join as a member as the HD versions as so much cleared and nicer to view, not just on the Apple TV but on any iMac, MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air or Apple Cinema Display. from this weeks episode, the free feed will have the new HD content starting with a free show all about Apples update to Leopard 10.5.2 plus a tutorial on using Spaces in Leopard.

Now I had planned on changing the look and feel of the show (along with the sound!) and fortuitously, I'd arranged to have a new theme tune commissioned by Geoff Smith before Macworld. I've been holding on to this whilst I tried to learn a bit more about Motion and create some new opening and closing credits. The move to all HD gave me the required kick up the pants so this week has seen some long days and nights putting the new show format together.

I hope you like it!

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Reader Comments (6)

Regardless of any format that your podcasts are done in, I will always be a paying member, as I so much enjoy and learn from you - In life you get very few good things for nothing and your efforts deserve to be paid for.
Keep up the great work
Lou Shapiro
Palm Springs Ca

February 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlou shapiro

That's very kind of you Lou!

Much appreciated.


February 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDon

Don -

the new look and sound are great - I think it's a wise choice to do HD format all around, you have very valid points.

I'll remain a loyal and paying member as well - your content is great and I don't mind supporting someone who is pioneering the podcast / screencast world.


February 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatt (Baldingnerd)

Hey Don I think that you've hit the nail on the head, I certainly didn't subscribe to get the HD version, I subscribed as I'm sure most others did to get the CONTENT, having said that it's good that you've thought about the fact that the subscribers can still get the extra piece of the free show as well. I have fairly recently re subscribed and this move by yourself in no way makes me think that I won't be resubscribing in the future.
Keep up the great work.

February 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGazmaz

Hi Don,

Some great ideas, I think it's great you're keeping ahead of the game and agile enough to be able to implement these changes. As others said I didn't subscribe to gain HD but to make sure I got ALL the content and can see EVERY show.

Love the new format, even more professional - keep up the good work!

Cheers, Ant

February 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnt

Hi Don,

These posts reflect my sentiments as well. I subscribe because I enjoy the content and want to support you and your work. Thanks for all that you do.

Best regards,

February 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRob Reighter

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