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PC World - Kudos!

I blogged a few weeks ago about what looked like a new Apple implant in my local PC World, which was undergoing a complete redesign and refurbishment.

To my delight, it looks like they are almost finished, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. As can be seen from the hurriedly snapped iPhone photo below, the implant is based on an actual Apple store with nice smart benches, the kit nicely arranged and even what looks like a mini genius bar.

They had the whole range on display (baring the new notebooks of course and possibly the MacMini) and as can be seen, a nice big plasma in the rear wall displaying a Leopard desktop.

Now if they keep on top of the machine configurations (i.e Set them up to right click via the mouse, etc) and have some knowledgeable staff around to man the mini genius bar, this could be a really smart move by Apple to shift even more kit.

On a side note, there was a Dell branded area a bit further along but this just looked like another part of the store. The Apple area looks a bit special compared to that.

Kudos to PC World - please don't let the Apple implant fall into rack and ruin!

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