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Something is bothering me...

With the announcement of the new 8-Core Mac Pro, something is bothering me?

So the top end machine is this hugely impressive monster of a machine with oodles of power and lots of expansion potential.

However, if you don't need that sort of horsepower (and expense) what's the alternative?

A 20" or 24" iMac with built in video display?

Where is the middle ground machine, the one that's going to appeal to the potential switcher who has a decent monitor but wants a reasonably price tower or mini tower system with decent expandability?

Power Mac G4 Cube - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.png

Something for next week perhaps?

The return of the Cube perhaps?

Just a thought!

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Reader Comments (2)

It's amazing how many people I hear express a desire for a Mac Pro like machine about half the size (both physical and internal memory potential). I'd love to see something build around the same form factor as the Mac Pro but about half the height or so. I want something I can still open, switch out or add an additional hard drive or replace the memory easy.

while the cube idea is nice in theory I don't think that's what we need. I think we already have that in the Mac Mini if we need something that basic.

We have the iMac, Mac Pro, and Mac Mini... what we need is the...Mac.

January 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlinkerjpatrick

Exactly! Even if you end up not doing, giving a Mac an easy route to expand would placate the large majority of Windows power users who like being able to tinker inside their machines.

I know coz I was one myself!

The fact is that once you have a Mac you really don't need to is beside the point :-)

It's just another factor to consider when giving people the incentive to switch.

January 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDon

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