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Now Steady On There....

Just another week and we'll be in the midst of another Stevenote.

I fully expect the rumours to go off the charts but it's necessary to state a couple of things to try and prevent the wailing and gnashing of teeth when Apple doesn't deliver what we're all being lead to expect!

Just because everyone wants something doesn't necessarily mean we will get it. The flash based sub notebook rumour is one of the strongest I've seen in recent years but that doesn't mean it will appear. The factors to be considered when bringing such a product to market are extremely complex (engineering, cost, supply chain, market forces) and all these must be aligned for things to happen.

So be warned, take all rumours and wishfull thinking with a grain of salt and don't let your expectations run away with you. Having said that, we'll definitely see some stellar cool stuff this year so take it as you find it and appreciate it for what it is.

Having said that, here are my predictions for the 2008 Stevenote :-)

Apple TV vII - Gotta happen and with Movie rentals to boot. We might even see the inclusion of an optical drive such as a Blu-ray or Hybrid. Also dual HDMI and DisplayPort connectors. Check out my other Apple TV posts for further thoughts - Link 1 Link 2

MacBook Touch - Flash based Macbook with some touch capabilities. Same screen size as the current Macbook but no optical drive and very light and thin.

New Range of Cinema Displays - So overdue, they must be a cert! Expect to find them with built in iSight cameras and supporting the new Displayport technology (along with DVI and HDMI - they wouldn't leave them off would they!). Dell have just announced their first 30" display with this new technology. Previous post about DisplayPort. Expect them to announce mods to the Mac range to include the Displayport adapters.

New Apps for the iPhone - Expect to see a lot of info on the successful launch of the iPhone and the release of some new Apps. With the advent of the iPhone API in February, Apple will be looking to demonstrate just what can be achieved with this new platform. Not sure if we'll get a glimpse or either the iPhone Nano or the 3G iPhone. The Mac faithful are still reeling from the last Macworld Stevenote being an all out iPhone fest!

One more thing - I've got a feeling we'll be seeing something off the wall and totally unexpected. May be something to do with the Automotive Industry, may be Home Storage, may be a totally new class of device. We'll soon see......

What are your thoughts?

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Reader Comments (2)

Good article Don. I'm so jealous of your trip! So, whats the chances of you ringing me from the keynote and holding your phone in the air :)

Is it going to be streamed live this year, or will I be frantically refreshing the Engadget page again?

January 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOtto-Mate

Don't know about the phone waving, especially as I'll be switching off the iPhone call roaming in the US!

The annoying thing is that there is a live satellite feed for journos and presumably other Apple sites round the globe!

I'm afraid you'll just have to refresh engadget as usual.

Now if only they'd start streaming the Stevenote live to Apple TVs! That would sell a few I bet.

January 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDon

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