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Appearance on the Mac Podcaster Meetup

iTunes.pngOne of the great things about going to Macworld is meeting up with all the other Mac podcasters.

This year, Adam Christianson from the Maccast arranged another Mac Podcasters Meetup, the second of what hopefully will be an annual event. It's basically a panel of Mac Podcasters discussing the current state of the Podcasting Industry with an open mic for contributions from the audience and other podcasters.

Although not on the panel (perhaps next year!) I did get invited to participate on the subject of monetisation, being one of the few podcasters doing it for a living.

If you want to take a listen you can find the podcast of the discussion here. My contribution is around the 48 minute mark. There's also a second part to the podcast which can be found on the same site.

Overall, it's a great discussion although I'd only recommend listening if you're interested in podcasting rather than anything Mac related. The discussion does focus more on numbers and growing the audience but these are just the sort of discussions that happen when a bunch of podcasters get together. Suffice to say, we don't obsess about these matters perhaps as much as it comes across in the discussion but they are important to us, and hey, we don't get that much of a chance to discuss these as much as we'd like.

I'd be really interested in any feedback, just leave a comment on this thread.

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