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A disturbance in the force.....

Wil Shipley is one of the most respected (and innovative) Mac developers out there. He's the one of the guys behind Delicious Library (whose latest unreleased version won an award as the best Leopard application on the yet to be released Leopard OS at WWDC!), as well as being a very astute and funny blogger.

However, his latest post this morning is not funny, not funny at all.

His post crystalises some mutterings and feelings of discontent spreading around the Apple fan base following some of the more recent questionable decisions that Apple has made. And we're not talking about the iPhone price drop here, it's more serious than that.

Issues such as the Ringtone debarcle, the closed nature of the iPhone to third party developers compounded now by the same approach to the iPod touch and also Apples stated intention to play cat and mouse with iPhone unlockers.

Not mentioned in the post but I'd also include the changes to the iTunes database locking out Linux users.

The bottom line is that it's really a wake-up call to Apple to make some course corrections in its approach to various issues to stem the rising tide of discontent.

Perhaps it's something that Apple should really take heed of.

Microsoft have long been saddled with the 'Evil" tag, I hate for it to end up on Apples door.

Reader Comments (2)

[...] Llegeixo en el bloc de Don McAllisters una entrada denominada “A disturbance in the force…” que he trobat molt interessant i que us en faig 5 cèntims d’Euro aquí. [...]

September 20, 2007 | Unregistered » Una

I love Apple but people need to remember they are there to make money. The vocal minority such as Will Shipley don't count in Apple's eyes - most people will still buy ringtones and are happy with their locked iPhone. IMHO, Will is just preaching to the small choir with his post. He won't reach the majority of Apple users and doesn't reflect their view.

September 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMabsey

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