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French iPhone Launch

TechCrunch France have just posted some details about the launch of the iPhone in France suggesting a launch date of 29th November.

300 Euros, no 3G seems to be feasible but I'm calling BS on the no unlimited data plan!

The iPhone is one of the few devices that desperately needs unlimited data due to the relative lack of wifi hotspots over here is Europe especially the UK.

We'll soon find out officially at least in UK as the Apple announcement is now less that 24 hours away.

As a sidenote, I didn't try to get a ticket for the Apple announcement as I had a training session to deliver tomorrow. As it turns out, the session has been cancelled as of this morning so I would have been free to go. I'm not sure if it would have been worth it if they are not releasing any product tomorrow, but it would be nice to actually attend.

Reader Comments (4)

I wonder if your training session you mentioned was at Telford by any chance?

September 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPhil Bridges

Yes, Phil it was!

Were you an attendee?

If so apologies but I only learnt it was cancelled this morning myself.

September 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon

Indeed I was, and booked on the course next week too! This is how I learnt that Travelodge's 'add-on' refund insurance policy doesn't cover cancelled events! I've rebooked the coures for October but Travelodge refused any sort of credit despite advance notice, an expensive lesson learnt. I've already suggested our HR department to drop Travelodge, let's hope other learn about this scam. (Google please index up this post!)

September 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPhil Bridges


Sorry about that, these were the fist few courses following the Summer break and didn't reach the numbers required to make it viable. The October sessions seem nearly full so there shouldn't be an issue.

See you in October!

September 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon

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