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IPhone or iPod Touch....

AppleHere's another thought.

What about all those mobile phone users currently tied into contracts with service providers other than AT&T.

Those with 12 or 18 months left on their contract and wouldn't jump ship to the iPhone because they don't want the double whammy of a new contract and paying off their existing contract.

They're already walking round with two devices, an iPod and a phone but they'd really like to get the Internet and iPod features of the new phone.

Ideal candidates for buying an iPod touch now and using it until their current contract expires by which time iPhone v2 will be available (at a much lower price) and they won't get penalised by switching to the iPhone.

Reader Comments (1)

I'm looking forward to it , Shortly after the I phone came out , I was hoping their would be a I phone without the phone,

September 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

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