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TV Shows on UK iTunes

One of the big new items that happened while I was away last week was the introduction of TV shows into the UK iTunes store.

Great but....

The content is pretty limited and to be honest, pretty dire.

But the main reason why I won't be buying any TV shows from iTunes is the price.

Price of a TV Show from the US iTunes store: $1.99 USD

Price of a TV Show from the UK iTunes store: £1.89 GBP

A quick conversion on Google = $3.82 USD for the equivalent here in the UK.

Talk about rip off UK...

Reader Comments (5)

Hi Don, you are of course right, our dear friends at Apple like to disadvantage consumer in Europe. But unfortunately you got your math wrong. The UK price includes 17.5% VAT, which goes to the Tax man, not Apple - so the price of the TV show in the UK is net GBP 1.60 - US$ 3.24. Still bad enough as it represents a 62.8% higher price than in the United States.

Back in February I had done a quick market survey of where in Europe your Apple gear was cheapest - you might want to have a look at

Keep up the good work, I love your ScreenCasts and subscribe to them. They represent awesome value for money!

September 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterClaus

Ah yes, the dreaded VAT!

I wonder how the iTunes store in the US deals with local sales tax - is that added on later.

Either way, we're still disdvantaged!

Thanks for the kind words by the way :-)

September 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon

To add to this subject , NBC pulled all of it's shows from I tunes because Apple refused to price the shows at $4 an episode , I wonder why the UK price is So close to what NBC wanted the price to be in the US ?

something I thought was kinda ironic .

September 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

I Still wonder if buying a seasons worth of a show is worth it , It is almost as costly as buying on DVD and sometimes you don't even get a full season.

just a thought I had.

September 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

I’ve got an Amazon gift certificate burning holes in my pocket,
and I want to get the most bang for my buck.

Enter the Secret Amazon Web Pages:

This is where you’re going to find the "latest sales, rebates, and limited-time offers" from
Amazon, and you can score some pretty deep discounts if you’re a savvy shopper.

Next, there’s the special Sale link. This is open every Friday, and ONLY on Fridays.

You can find the same good discounts here as you would in hidden Deals, although some
Fridays you can really get lucky and make off like an Amazon bandit - I’ve seen discounts
there as low as 75% off sticker price.

October 5, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterglorkilla

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