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Adsense Revenue for Apple...

Just got iWork 08 and iLife 08 today!

Very impressive but it's going to take me a while to absorb it all and plan a few (!) shows around it.

What was interesting though was the inclusion of Google Adsense Ads as a web widget in iWeb. It allows you to simply insert Google adsense ads into your websites very easily.

I already gave an adsense account so fired up the web widgets and yes, it is easy!

The funny thing is I received an email from Adsense a few moments ago asking if this was OK and advising that
Apple will keep a percentage of the revenue that you accrue on their website as described below:

Now currently it's showing all 0% but I wonder when they'll flick the switch? It looks like Apple are developing a nice little revenue stream - like they need it ;-)

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