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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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New ScreenCastsOnline Website Design


My previous post just reminded me that I hadn't announced the redesign of the ScreenCastsOnline site on my blog!

You may be aware that I recently revamped the site (on a whim) to a cool white on black theme with lots of nice images with shiny reflections. Really nice!

However, the white on black and the use of frames within the site caused a few problems with some people. They found it hard to read and difficult to navigate.

So, I've revamped the site using a brand new Rapidweaver theme from Josh Lockhart.

It's still a darkish theme but all the content is perfectly readable! It also uses tabs across the top of the screen to make navigation easy and supports up 10 different image headers. I also installed a new SiteMap facility using a plugin from Loghound which now enables you to see the entire contents of the site from a single page.

I'm really pleased with the results and from the response from the forum it looks like it's two thumbs up!

It probably took me less than a day to convert the entire website to its new design and most of that was recapturing images with a white background. Such is the power of Rapidweaver!

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